The Summer Solstice Is Here

I may have been exaggerating, maybe jumping the gun a bit about imminent skiing :rolleyes: ...
...But a freeze in Bend by mid-September wouldn't be out of the ordinary at all, and in the last 10 years we've had a freeze before the end of August at least once.
OK...instead of relying on memory -- looking at the records for the recording thermometer in my backyard:
  • Last year the first freeze of the season (hit 32°F) was on Sept 11
  • In 2008 the first freeze -- actually down to 29°F -- was on August 31
For a location at an elevation of less than 3600 feet (at my house) and at a latitude below 45°, Bend has a very short frost-free season.
My home furnace is on!
This morning when I got up and saw the thermometer in the middle of my house read 59° I decided to re-enable the thermostat and let it turn the furnace on.
The overnight low outside was 38°, and still haven't reached freezing yet this season...
...but winter is coming! :eek:
Please don't rush things. Even though rain is in the forecast for this weekend which I have off :(
Yeah, don't rush it. There should still be some good weather left. It's been cool enough that my cat has been getting under the covers in the early morning. Change is a coming.

Since I live on the wet-side... I'm not looking forward to the change. Supposed to be a wet weekend here too... :(
Riverrunner said:
Since I live on the wet-side... I'm not looking forward to the change. Supposed to be a wet weekend here too... :(
As my Portland friends will be saying soon, "we'll see the sun again in April"...
I say: "the West is best" long as you don't go too far west. ;)
But then, there are people -- not me, but people -- who prefer the temperate dampness of western Oregon over the cold aridity of east-of-the-Cascades.

For me, "good weather" can easily include cold weather, winter weather. And not just "good" for skiing and then going indoors...but to wake up in my camper on a clear and frigid morning somewhere out the Great Basin desert (Wave heater dutifully radiating silent heat), emerge from the camper to the welcoming slap of sub-freezing-cold on my face, and see sunrise on snow-flocked sagebrush. I love that.
Bring it on, I say! :)
Having lived in the Willamette Valley all of my life, you'd think I'd be used to it. I think I've become less tolerant as I age. ;) I don't mind the rain's the sometimes endless weeks of rain and dampness that get to me. I can handle the cold ok as long as it's clear and sunny! :) Central OR has some great weather.

I should of relocated myself when I was younger but alas it's too late. For now I just take vacations to better climates and keep my eyes peeled for a potential retirement location...provided I can actually retire. :unsure:
One day of rain is okay. Multiple days not so much. I'm not a skier so to me the coming season is a sad time. When they announce the seasonal road closures and the gates are locked is a time for mourning.
craig333 said:
One day of rain is okay. Multiple days not so much. I'm not a skier so to me the coming season is a sad time. When they announce the seasonal road closures and the gates are locked is a time for mourning.
Craig, don't waste half the year in mourning! And no need to ski to enjoy the cooler seasons... From Sac take 50 east and in a 120 miles you're where it's much drier. Not warmer...but drier and lots to explore. You seemed to enjoy the dry side this past March... :)
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