Three Month Home Base in Southwest

I’m interested in any suggestions from good beer joints to churches! One of the stops will be a church I have wanted to see for 50 years! Loretta Chapel. The spiral staircase.

figures Lord Wood Craft would want to see that staircase!
That is is great! Much obliged. There is so much to digest and there is only so much one can do to prep. But having a boondocks site in the back pocket always makes it less or a worry on arriving in a new area.

That's right Vic...the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Hey Buckland

Just pulled in from about 6K miles from Oregon to Illinois and back.

With the cold front over the last week or so we returned via the southern tier of AK, OK, NM, AZ and then up through ID and home.

Will share some thoughts in the morning when the tire noise stops ringing in my ears.

David Graves
If you really want to avoid cold weather in the southwest stay under 3000 ft.I spend alot of time in New Mexico but in the winter there is not much under 3000 ft.
Thank you LMM. I believe, you are right as rain. I want to be happy! and I am beginning to think that after a month having fun in Big Bend and lallygagging around we might just want to keep to the sensible altitudes. I think I would rather (as my sister is now doing: hiking in Moab and Arches) come on back in September and October to do the itinerary I was hoping to do in winter. So.... the plan needs to evolve ... Borrego Springs is looking mighty fine. I have hiked in Joshua Tree and even stayed at the 39 (?) Palms for my mother's 80th birthday 16 years ago. So my mind is set on new explorations, I still haven't ruled out bolting into Mexico. I am just wanting after the long haul to mosey around in quiet places preferably temperate, at least warm enough to use the water tank.
So I definitely appreciate the wisdom of wanderers.
buckland said:
I think I would rather (as my sister is now doing: hiking in Moab and Arches) come on back in September and October to do the itinerary I was hoping to do in winter. So.... the plan needs to evolve ...
Now yer talkin'! You will find much more to do outside of mid winter.
Borrego Springs is looking mighty fine....

There is a volunteer driven invasive weed removal effort that meets weekly in Boreggo....nice group of folks and lends a bit of normalcy to living on the road.

Also the thrift shop there is fairly good.

Thanks for the re-direction. As long as I can stay away from crowds I am happy ...warm helps. Is Baja a bad choice? (I speak passable Spanish).
buckland said:
Thanks for the re-direction. As long as I can stay away from crowds I am happy ...warm helps. Is Baja a bad choice? (I speak passable Spanish).
Rob, if you go into Mexico, ensure you have no firearms and/or ammunition (not a single round).
Yup ... the S&W would stay home. Already have that clear. I am a rules kinda person. Enough bad stuff happens without making it worse with bad decisions. I'm a rule of law type. Appreciate the heads up tho because there are those who think otherwise! :). What I appreciate about this forum is honesty and good advise. So thanks for speaking up!
Ah, you may be "rule of law type", but depending are where you are in Baja or Mexico...many are not...including those in authority..

Great place and great folks, but do keep you spider senses going and head on a swivel!

Have fun and post pictures...

Thank you for voicing the reality. I know spider. Was stationed in Paraguay late 70’s and early 80’s… then Asia. For same. My wife in Brazil and Saudi Arabia. We are at times a bit too ‘aware’. But laugh a lot at some of the crazy! I swear it is hard to shake.
Interesting how spending time in countries that may not have our culture, government and values gives you a sort of fearlessness about wandering around in wild places. At least it did for us, who separately were in central and south america, africa, the middle east and even france and england! When things get edgy we know how to edge away and when things get weird we know how to shrug and "meh!"

You will have great fun on this upcoming trip and more fun again when you return to the southwest in the warmer months.

Oh, I almost forgot, I have actually been to Canada! And survived to tell about it!
Well here is some in your face proof that winter is sometimes similar in the SW.... Glad Baja became the right turn!


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That's actually a left turn. Crazy times as we come close to the 3 month trip. My 4 pawed best friend suddenly came down real ill. She was in and out of the vet then in an emergency vet hospital 3 days and then back to the vet. They can't nail it down but it is GI problems. Could have eaten something poisonous (mushrooms), got into scat, or could be a disease, no parasites found. After three weeks of meds and special vet food the poor girl finally had a normal poop. Can't say enough about that! She went from 55 pounds to 45. (she's 5 yrs old). So we took turns sleeping with her on couch to take her outside hourly. We are worried but hopeful that whatever it was is gone. Thankfully we have a month to bring here back to full strength... if not we go nowhere!
We ordered the Thermal pack arriving this next week. Onstar has a deal of unlimited ATT wifi for 24/month which works in Mexico too so we got that to take the pressure off for 3 months data. Got the house network set up to monitor all essential things while away and hope no ice storms knock out electricity for too long. A ball joint and alignment this week. Then it is pack and go after New Years. I started a similar blog as the AK and Maritimes trips. Mostly for my own joy of writing a day's rewind. It no doubt will be an adventure.
Thanks Frank... Dogs are my world and it hurts to see her suffer ...wish she could talk. My two previous dogs were 17 and 15 years old and never had any sickness other than what dogs get into. This came out of the blue. I saw her eating something in the field and I went to look and saw only mushrooms ... did not think she'd go after them. Or it could be a 100 other things.
Ya that's what we thought it was as we are in the woods a lot and streams are everywhere. But so far nothing definitive.


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