Using a camper off truck while at camp?


Jan 9, 2012
Hello Wanderers!

I am trying to venture into the truck camper world. I have been a Toyota land cruiser and tent camper guy. But just bought a 97 F250 shortbed to test the waters in truck/camper world. I am wondering about the real world use of taking a camper to camp, taking it off rig, and therefore leaving the camper at camp while the truck can go exploring.

FWC, ATC, Phoenix - all have their advantages. In another camp, pun intended, are the likes of Northstar, Hallmark, and Outfitter. Of course there are many more. One of the big differences I see but not often mentioned is the campability (new word? :) when the camper is off the truck. This is not an option of FWC and ATC, but is on Northstar, HM, and Outfitter. I am sure there are many sides of this story, none necessarily correct or right - a preference thing. Just curious about some real use cases for and against the need/want to leave a camper at camp or not.

Part of me likes the idea of the FWC/ATC lightness and just take it everywhere. The other side of me could see a need to setup the camper at camp, leave it there while mamma cooks breakfast and I am launching the boat at the ramp 5 miles away.

Thanks in advance for any ideas or input you have on this.
My 2 cents ... if you want to take it off. FWC/ATC defeats the purpose ... its designed to go with you! FWIW most guys can take one off in about 40 mins or so. You would need to drop it on a platform for sure.
Some form of floor support will be necessary if you're going to be in it while it is off of the truck. I see where you're going with this, and on those trips I bring a tow'd rather than go thru the drill of R&Ring the camper.
The idea of using the camper as a base camp is a nice idea, but in reality taking it off then putting it back on in the field isn't too appealing. I know part of Northstar marketing is the ability to base camp their unit. I haven't seen any camper used as a base camp in practice. Maybe others have.
JHa6av8r said:
The idea of using the camper as a base camp is a nice idea, but in reality taking it off then putting it back on in the field isn't too appealing. I know part of Northstar marketing is the ability to base camp their unit. I haven't seen any camper used as a base camp in practice. Maybe others have.
Yes, that's the heart of what I'm trying to understand...does anyone REALLY use the base camp concept in practice or is that a marketing footnote for naiive first time wannabe wanderers :)

I think the only pickup campers I've seen used off the truck are those parked here and there in the national forests occupied by homeless people.

But the idea of being able to drive off from your camping-dwelling is a good one and a common one if you're staying in a camp trailer -- that's what's great about trailers.
I frequently wish I could drive off from camp at a moments notice without having to pack up my camper. And when I get to a point that I no longer care about the ability to go just about anywhere I'll ditch the camper and switch to trailer camping.
The only times I have seen truck campers off-loaded and used is at Camp Lotus, where the owners camped for a week and needed their truck to shuttle their kayaks daily. When I had a camper that lent itself to being off-loaded (electric jacks, Fastguns, etc) I never bothered to do so. Seemed like too much effort after a long drive, and took away time from the activity that I went camping to enjoy.
lcgeek said:
Yes, that's the heart of what I'm trying to understand...does anyone REALLY use the base camp concept in practice or is that a marketing footnote for naiive first time wannabe wanderers :)

It takes a few trips to figure out how to use and configure your camper. This includes what to bring and how to stow it. We've had ours almost two years now. Many trips we're driving somewhere almost everyday. It takes me about 15 minutes to get my rig ready move for the day. Most of the time I'm waiting on my wife and son or someone else to go, but the truck is ready to move.

The bigger benefit to us for having a camper is we now get out almost every month with some months multiple times.
Another consideration regarding the "base camp" concept is that you must bring your camper jacks along on each trip. You won't find many folks on this forum who travel with jacks attached . . . . extra weight and easy to snag in an off road situation.
thanks everyone for your valuable real world input! Very, very helpful!!!

I'm the rare one here that has done it. That said I'll explain:

I've dropped mine a few times for various reasons. While not a big hassle it's a hassle none the less. For it to work, as previously mentioned, you'll need to figure out a system to place it on and the jacks will need to go with you. If towing and dropping your camper is a requirement I'd suggest looking at the other manufacturers.
I've seen a guy with a FWC with his off the truck a few times out in Saline. If I were there for a week and wanted to explore I'd probably do it too. For just a couple day's it isn't worth it to me.
I've seen lots of pictures of FWCs on trailers. That way, if you're going on a trip where you don't need much offroad capability but want to leave it at camp, you just load it onto the trailer at home and put your gear in the truck. When you're going offroad, just put the camper on the truck like normal. Best of both worlds, it seems...but I don't know how well it works in real life.





For me it would be a great advantage to dismount the camper establishing a base camp.
I believe in my lifetime I'll see it - a quick & easy way to load, unload.
I have far fetched ideas sometimes (often times!) but here's an idea I believe can work - a bale bed. If it can work with a 2400 lb bale of hay... What the hay, why not a camper!!!???

Well if it's too far fetched for a camper, sit back & enjoy this anyway!
jrfromafar said:
Far fetched?
You might be able to sell the idea to MarcXP as an option for his already-expensive rigs...

Better fill out an invention disclosure, quick.
Well I think the idea is original - as for capitalizing on it, all I'd want in return is a one single XP camper rig .... That's all
seen it done a couple of times. something that scares me. in the bush and it goes south, not for me. did see two guys with a artic fox do it and just about dumped it, never mind getting hurt.
griz said:
seen it done a couple of times. something that scares me. in the bush and it goes south, not for me. did see two guys with a artic fox do it and just about dumped it, never mind getting hurt.
Reminds me of my camper's situation: One of my jack brackets is bent (after I backed into a tree while jacks were mounted). So now when jacks are mounted (which is almost never), the one connected to the bent bracket is a little cock-eyed. It's cock-eyed enough that when I lower or raise the camper on jacks it tries to pivot a bit -- almost thought it was going to lose its balance and fall over last time. :eek: I envisioned it lying on its back, legs in the air like a bug or turtle. :p
Anyway...your description of what could go wrong -- and much worse if it happened "out there" -- reminded me of my screwed-up jack bracket situation.

Maybe I should see if/where I could get the bracket straightened...but my camper is on the truck 99+% of the time, so years go by without having to deal with it. :rolleyes:

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