

Lost again
May 25, 2015
North Carolina
I don't know where to start except to say thank you to all the great members on this forum who have opened up a whole new world to us!
Coming from the East Coast we didn't know too much about Death Valley but when we started looking for a new place to explore and get out of the miserable Virginia weather posts from ski3pin and others made us think about going to Death Valley to explore some of its wonders....
We originally tried to win the Paleontology Tour but were unsuccessful (next time!) but there was so much to see it really didn't matter.

Since time was short and we are waiting on our Hallmark to be built we decided to fly to Vegas and rent a SUV. We stopped in Pahrump and loaded up on supplies for the upcoming week and as the sun was setting we crossed the border into California..

We had reservations at the private Furnace Creek Campground ($18/) so we set up our tent by headlights and after a dinner at the restaurant we went quickly to bed...


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2-13 The First Day!
We had a great nights sleep even though it was probably the hardest ground we had ever slept on!
After a quick breakfast we decided to divide the park up geographically and explore a different section each day. Today was the South East section. We went down Rt. 190 towards Zabrinske's Point and Dante's View where we hiked up both peaks. Words cannot describe the views so here are a couple of pics....


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I guess I can only load one picture per post...

One of many flowers on the way up...


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Maybe these smaller pics will work.
These are of Zabrinske's and Dante's...


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More of the same area...
You can see some of the Panamint Range to the West including Telescope Peak which was covered in snow.


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We then continued South on Greenwater Valley Rd. Everywhere we looked the scenery was amazing with a multitude of colors, yellow, red, pink, teal, white, green etc.
We were trying to find the furnace site on our Nat Geo map but weren't able to. We did however find two old vertical shaft mines, one fenced off and the other with a steel grate over it to prevent anyone from falling in. On the ground, mixed in with the tailings we found a bunch of brilliant blue rocks. We would later confirm that this was a copper mine...


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We are having so much fun exploring just like we all used to do as kids!
We had the Classic Vinyl station on the Sirius radio and were listening to all the songs we grew up with. Rock On!!!

We had a slow easy drive back to Furnace Creek and our tiny campsite. We didn't have a table so we set up the stove on a stump balanced with my suitcase...That didn't stop Terri from cooking a great dinner: smoked pork chops, grits and fried apples. I don't know if it's just me but does camp food always taste better than when you're home??
Oatmeal and coffee for breakfast after a chilly night. Fortunately our Smart Wool base layers kept us warm and cozy.

Today we're going to go down Badwater Rd and hike up Golden Canyon


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On our way back down the canyon we noticed a younger couple scrambling up on the ridge. They stopped and kissed each other and I was able to get a great photo of them. When they came down we exchanged contact info and I sent them a high resolution picture for their Valentines Day!!


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We then decided to take a dirt Rd :) off to the right. We realize it is West Side Rd that goes across the salt flats and goes South along the base of the Panamint Mountains...

The salt has formed into crystals and is very sharp but worth exploring...


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We then come to Shorty's Spring and the Eagle Borax Works where...well I'll let you read the sign...All I can say it must have been one of the hardest ways to make a living that I can think of...


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Then it happened....
We're driving down the middle of this virtually deserted dirt road when off in the distance I notice a truck camper coming towards us.
As he gets closer I realize that the camper is a Hallmark similar to the one we just ordered!! I waved the guy to stop and it turns out it is Vic from WTW... Who would have thought two WTW Hallmark owners ( soon to be for us) would run into each other!! My wife was blown away!
He verified how much he and his family love their camper which made us feel great! We then chatted a bit about the flowers and we mentioned that yes we had seen some....Vic said that we hadn't seen anything yet and gave us directions to a part of the valley that had literally billions of flowers in bloom.
We took his advise and ended up having lunch in the middle of the biggest flower bloom either I or my wife had ever seen.

I said to her..."Happy Valentines Day, Honey"


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Nice report. You should consider a blog. Lot easier loading pictures. So many great blogs. Most are off the Google app. When you are on your computer click on my link to my blog. Go to trip reports and you will see a brief report and then links to blogs to read the full trip report that everyone posts. jd

Sent from my SM-G900V using Wander The West mobile app
.....................I said to her..."Happy Valentines Day, Honey" :)

We have greatly enjoyed your story of your travels in the Valley of Death! Definitely one of places we could spend a lifetime exploring. And you got to meet Vic! And the "biggest flower bloom ever"! How cool is that! We are so happy you had such a great time! Our best, the 'pinners.
Eddie - great to see you and your wife out there on the West Side Road. It really is a small world! I was explaining to my 10 year old daughter the odds of running into someone you know from the internet out in the middle of Death Valley - I'm not sure she believes me yet.

What a great year to be out there too. Sometimes the planets just line up. We really enjoyed our trip too.

Glad you enjoyed Warm Springs Canyon. We spent the night before there and got hooked on back-country camping. I'll never look at a campground the same again. And you are getting just the rig to enjoy many trips yourself.

Safe travels - Vic
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