
King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
Bear with me as this isn't really "West" related wandering but I thought some folks might find it interesting. I put this in the lounge as it isn't really a legit trip report.

Having spent nearly a month in Central America this past summer I haven’t been wandering much of the West of late. As a belated honeymoon/anniversary I decided to take the co-pilot to Guatemala…we wanted to do something a little different. And for me it was VERY different as all of my trips to Central America over the years have involved dragging surfboards along. Nope, not this time… especially after a long solo trip to El Salvador in July & August… time to give the co-pilot a little payback.

First stop was Tikal, one of the largest archaeological sites in the entire Mayan civilization. I have had this on my list for years and it did not disappoint.

Temple I in the distance as we hike through the jungle…

Temple I

Sacrificial Tables (Yeah, they killed people on these things)


Temple II, The Great Plaza & North Acropolis





Temples II & I in the distance from the top of Temple IV

This view shows how surrounded by deep jungle these pyramids are


We took a guided tour upon arrival and it soon became apparent that it would have been foolish to have done otherwise. The guide was extremely knowledgeable and without one you would have no comprehension of what it all meant without serious previous study of the subject. Their knowledge of lunar and celestial activities is amazing considering the first stones laid on site date back to 700BC. We were in a constant state of awe.




Howler Monkey:

We stayed in a lodge with the park grounds. The best part was that after the park closed you were afforded the opportunity to walk around by yourself and without other visitors. After relaxing at the pool and a “siesta piquena” we hiked back into the park later that evening to watch the sun set from the North Acropolis which was amazing.


The next day we were up at 3:45am for the hour long trek through the jungle to watch the sun rise from Temple IV (As early risers the 3Pinners would have been proud !). I have seen a fair bit of the world over the years and have had some pretty cool experiences in my life and this was right up there with the best of them. I can’t recommend enough putting this on your bucket list. Unfortunately there was a heavy fog coating the jungle which really hurt the photo ops. Still, it did not take away from the experience of hearing the first bird chirp at the first hint of light to the eventual cacophony of howler monkeys and the rest of the animal kingdom waking at the start of a new day.It was an absolutely mind blowing experience which I will never forget.

Toucan’s in the Mist…
Sunrise video… https://picasaweb.google.com/114391324985747002956/Guatemala#5665061491586942274
We spent the second day just wandering around different parts of the park that were off the beaten path...

Howler Monkeys hollering in the background…https://picasaweb.google.com/114391324985747002956/Guatemala#5665062877337140818 [size="3"
]I don’t want to bore you with any more “vacation photos” but after Tikal we went to Lake Atitlan to chill in some of the Mayan villages that are only reachable by boat. Many villages have also taken on a bit of western (eastern really) spiritual influence offering various classes as you can see here…I was very curious as to what the “Astral Travelling” class was all about. I’ve since done some research.
[IMG]http://www.wanderthewest.com/forum/uploads/1320075540/gallery_311_152_135776.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.wanderthewest.com/forum/uploads/1320075540/gallery_311_152_122139.jpg[/IMG]If one wanted to get away and never be found (or perhaps write a book), living in one of the villages on this lake would be a great place to go. Aldous Huxley once called Atitlan …”the most beautiful lake in the world.” And in comparison to Lake Como in Italy said: [size="3"]"Atitlan is Como with the additional embellishment of several immense volcanoes. It is really too much of a good thing."

We also spent some time in Antigua…I fell in love with the wooden doors there. There was a super cool cosmopolitan vibe there, far from third world and not really what we travel for but it was a nice way to end the trip. In summary, if you are into Mayan history or culture, I highly recommend Guatemala.


Mr Sun, really enjoyed your photos and report! It's so neat to see different environments. We will sit down with a map and enjoy it again. Thanks!
What a great trip. Thanks for the report. We did Belize and Guatamala many years ago and you just brought back a lot of good memories. You have me thinking I need to go dig out the photos now and relive that trip. :)
Muchas Gracias, Sr. Sol (y tambien Sra. Sol).

Like Ted, I've been to Belize and glimmered what was going on up there in the mountains. Those Mayans knew a few things, huh? My son and I climbed a pyramid near the coast and had a few moments before the touristas showed up. Special vibe down there. I would love to go back and take Susan with me. At least we have tickets to Puerta Vallarta for a trip to Yelapa in February. :D

Thanks for sharing. I knew you had been having too much fun Wandering the South (WTS) ;)
Those Mayans knew a few things, huh?

Well...let's just remember that when-the-world-will-end is not one of them!
Despite what the loonies say...
Well...let's just remember that when-the-world-will-end is not one of them!
Despite what the loonies say...

How do you know it's not over Dec 2012?? :D :D :D
How do you know it's not over Dec 2012?? :D :D :D

Put it this way:
I'll put up all my retirement savings against all takers who say that the world WILL end then!
If there are any takers I'll set up an account to hold the dough on one of those off-shore gambling websites. ;)

(Sorry, Sunman, for the little hijack here.
I'm not touching this one-way bet. :mad:

If we're still here, you win! If not, well I guess no one's around to collect, even if they're offshore. :p

But don't take me for a moonie!
Sunman, I visited Tikal with my family back in the prehistoric ages when I was in high school and my sis was in the Peace Corps in Centroamerica. I really enjoyed your pics and report. I was also really happy to see that changes appear to have been minimal to the region, with the exception of astral travel lessons...

I remember kids playing fútbol on the dirt strip of what we called "Tikal International Airport", and flying out on an old DC-something that was loaded up in front with greenery destined for florist shops. Good memories. Do folks still fly in, or is access by road now?
Hey, SunMan, thanks for poking around in Central America and taking all those photos! I love all that Indiana Jones type stuff.
Thanks folks, it really was a fun trip. It was sort of nice to do some non surf related travel (sort of). It's a big world out there. HighZ, you can fly in to Flores now, about 40 mins away. I didn't see the airstrip at Tikal but I'm sure it must still be there. Also please excuse the format, it pretty hard to read. I tried to edit something after the post and it jacked everything up pretty bad. <BR><BR>Andy, Yelapa has been on my list too, would love to hear your opinion when you get back.
Very cool sunny. I'm going to have to do some more research on these areas as I would really like to see this stuff! What times of year are best to go down there?

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