Warners, Oregon and California


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I'm inspired to plan a trip to this area by Lighthawk's recent trip report and my own gazing at this narrow fault-block range as I passed along and over them on the way home from my July 4th trip to the eastern Sierra.
I've camped/explored in the north Warners (the Oregon section) several times over the years -- mostly near Abert Rim, but one area that I've only visited once is the stretch south of 140 (but in Oregon), the section that looms above Lakeview, OR.

I'm planning to head up to Crane Mt first, which is the site of an old (long-gone) fire lookout, which means it has a road to the top. I've been there once before, but it's been >10 years...great views as I recall. I plan to get there via the "south Warner" forest road that heads south off 140.

I think I'll then continue on south on the main forest road (maybe/probably stopping along the way) to the Surprise Valley, CA. Here my next real destination is the OR-CA-NV tri-state point, which is just a short walk/hike a little over a mile east from the main (gravel, as I recall) road between Ft. Bidwell, CA and Adel, OR. I've been there once before -- there's a tall cairn and a benchmark. I'm attracted to this singular point where these 3 great states meet, and I want to return. (I've also been to the OR-ID-NV tri-state point....a lot more remote, a long way down a primitive dirt road...or cross-country! I suppose I should some time find the ID-NV-UT tri-state point and the NV-UT-AZ point...).

From the the tri-state point I'll probably continue north on that road to Adel, OR in the Warner Valley, looping back home to Bend....probably/maybe. Or maybe I'll head further south and back up into the Warners on the CA side, which I've crossed many times via Cedar Pass, but I've never explored.

Planning to head out on this 4-5-day trip Tuesday, July 19.
Anybody else in the area or interested...others who aren't working during the work-week?
- Mark
Sounds cool Mark. We're at the Mendoci o coast right now, breaking in my new B-day kayak. We'll be heading hime on the 19th, so will wish you happy adventures. Jess Valley, above Likely, CA was our favorite spot in the Southern Warners.
Jess Valley, above Likely, CA was our favorite spot in the Southern Warners.

Thanks for the tip, Andy. :)
We're about to head to the Warners too. This will be our first trip to the Modoc Plateau and are getting excited by the photos and trip notes posted here. I'll check out your route on the map. Wondering if I can good maps downloading on the ipad??

We'll head over Tioga Pass to the East side and head up 395 and I think will split off to Susanville then up to the Warners, then down through Lassen, and back to Sierra foothills near Fresno.

The geriatric (almost 14) dog will be along, so no long hikes for us, so we'll be seeking "park-n-play" spots.
We're about to head to the Warners too. This will be our first trip to the Modoc Plateau and are getting excited by the photos and trip notes posted here. I'll check out your route on the map.
You might check out the trip reports that Lighthawk and I posted on our trip (same trip, separate reports) there earlier this month, if you haven't already. The trip I referred to in this thread was a July trip that I took but never did a trip report.
Happy trails! :)
We're about to head to the Warners too. This will be our first trip to the Modoc Plateau and are getting excited by the photos and trip notes posted here. I'll check out your route on the map. Wondering if I can good maps downloading on the ipad??

We'll head over Tioga Pass to the East side and head up 395 and I think will split off to Susanville then up to the Warners, then down through Lassen, and back to Sierra foothills near Fresno.

The geriatric (almost 14) dog will be along, so no long hikes for us, so we'll be seeking "park-n-play" spots.

I've created a map that offers some fun routes like the Buckhorn Byway and Fandango Pass to name a few. Try this on your iPad:

Warner Map I've marked some routes in red. Buckhorn has some odd spurs that google map wanted to draw, so those are just fun detours now :p

We also really enjoy taking 139 north from Susanville to Alturas, instead of 395 which goes through much drier terrain. There's a link between the two called Termo-Grasshopper Rd. that would be a nice link up to the Buckhorn Byway.

Have fun with the geriatric dog. We're heading out the door as soon as I get finished at work with our nearly 14 year old lab. Lot's of fun to hoist her in and out of the camper :eek:

Loon Lake here we come!

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