Water Tank Issue On 2008 Eagle


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
I bought an Eagle in Nov of last year and my family has used it frequently and we are happy with it, except for a couple of water tank issues.
When I first got it the tank would leak out of the water filler door. It was never clear to me whether the leak came from the filler cap which I could not fasten tightly or the air vent or both. I spoke with the folks at the factory and they replaced the filler component and the electronic lever indicator which they noted was also faulty. They did a great job except that it did not fix the problem and after having been treated so courteously I didn't have the heart to tell them. The second way more serious problem is that in warm weather the water in the tank takes on a very strong plastic smell and taste which renders it unusable even for dishwashing. I didn't notice this problem until we made a trip to SE Arizona in May. During the cold months it had not been a problem. Short of tearing the tank out and having a stainless tank welded and fitted, do any of the members have a similar experience or possible fix?


Nevada City, CA
I'm not sure what you mean about a leak at the filler cap. You mean you filled the tank completely full, and then all the way up to the top of the cap and there was some kind of leakage? Or it leaking while you are filling it? I had a leak where the filler hose attached to the tank so I got a lot of leakage while filling or when the tank was completely full. The verdict at the RV dealer was that the filler tube was too short and was intersecting the tank at a bad angle - which is a conclusion shared by other members I have talked to in leakage problems they have seen.

Regarding the plastic problem - I have a 2008 and I have not been bothered by a plastic residue.
I used to fill the tank to the top screw on the filler cap as tight as I could, close the little access door and go on my merry way. It would be then that I would see water leaking out in my rear view mirror, especially when maken right curves, sometimes for up to 200 miles before the level got low enough to stop.
It's a moot point now, as I don't use it anymore. Instead I carry 2 2gallon plastic jugs of drinking water in the back. My neighbor bought the same model about two months after I did and never had the leaking problem but his water also starts tasting and smelling strongly of plastic after two days. He talked to the factory and was told that that's just the way it is. This makes no sense to me, as carrying potable water is such an important part when one wants to go out into the back country where no water is available. I'd rather not have the tank take uup all that space and have more storage.
It sounds like we may have gotten a bad run of tanks and this is not a pervasive problem with these campers.

Nevada City, CA
First welcome to the forum and don't forget the pics, as you know we love 'em here. Now on to the subject,the leakage when the tank is full is coming from the breather (vent in the non-pressurized system) as the water sloshes around. All tanks with that configuration will leak. As to the smell and taste, we never had the problem but didn't camp in really hot environments. Just a quick question and please ignore it if I'm stating the obvious, have you done the disinfecting flush this year? If not you might try it and see what happens.
yes, I talked to a local RV dealer about the tank problem, and they suggested half a cup of bleach per full tank. I think my tank holds 12gal. Anyway I did this twice. Soak for a few hour, then flush, but the problem remains.

Sorry, I'm not much of a picture taker, but I will keep it in mind.


Nevada City, CA
The water out of my water tank in my December ’08 purchased Eagle was undrinkable. Had a horrible plastic chemical taste to it. The nice folks at Four Wheel Camper (and I sincerely mean that) said they had never had a complaint about water quality before and suggested I flush it with an RV cleaner and use the white drinking water hose (which I already had with the “FWC Go Anywhere Kit”) to fill the tank.

Long story short,

• 3 twenty-four hour bleach & water flushes
• About 12+ fresh water flushes for 15+ minutes each with the petcock open, electric water faucet pump run intermittently and enough flow to have water gushing out of the fill hole and vent. Yes, it does waste a huge amount of water.
• Fill water tank no sooner to the day prior to leaving.
• Never leave water stored in tank other than for camping purposes.
• 13 camping trips with fresh water fills.

That has cured my foul tasting water problems. Give it a try. Much easier than resorting to a new custom tank.

****Edited to mention:

When my water tank is at max capacity, leaking from the vent does occur. I can see it in my mirror at highway speeds. The amount is inconsequential and I think it’s just the nature of the beast with the tank just finding a proper level. An overflow hose venting under the vehicle would be a proper but costlier solution.

I bought an Eagle in Nov of last year and my family has used it frequently and we are happy with it, except for a couple of water tank issues.
When I first got it the tank would leak out of the water filler door. It was never clear to me whether the leak came from the filler cap which I could not fasten tightly or the air vent or both. I spoke with the folks at the factory and they replaced the filler component and the electronic lever indicator which they noted was also faulty. They did a great job except that it did not fix the problem and after having been treated so courteously I didn't have the heart to tell them. The second way more serious problem is that in warm weather the water in the tank takes on a very strong plastic smell and taste which renders it unusable even for dishwashing. I didn't notice this problem until we made a trip to SE Arizona in May. During the cold months it had not been a problem. Short of tearing the tank out and having a stainless tank welded and fitted, do any of the members have a similar experience or possible fix?


Nevada City, CA
I agree with what has already been said. When I fill my tank up to the point of overflowing, the water will naturally slosh around in the tank when driving and some will find it's way out the vent. No big deal it's probably only a few cups worth of water. Sometimes I will open the drain for a few seconds to let some water out to minimize this.

As far as the water taste I feel that it has gotten better the more I use the camper. Fresh water before every trip is the key. I think there will always be some plastic taste with any tank that is plastic (or whatever it's made of). I feel that more of a concern is the quality of the water that I put in the tank when I'm on the road. Some of the "fresh drinking water" that I have filled my tank with has been awful. Nothing beats Lake Superior water. :)

thanks. I'll try the multiple flushes. I keep the camper on the truck full time so don't carry water if I'm not camping because it adds so much weight. I hope that this will eventually lead not having to waste 120 gallons of water in order to carry 12 for a week.


Nevada City, CA
For what it's worth - I have an 08 Hawk and have not noticed any issue with bad taste in the water from the tank. I do drain upon returning from every trip, and refill just prior to leaving on the new trip. If you are having a recrurring problem, something is wrong with your tank. I have a poly tank in my travel trailer, and one in my horse trailer as well. I've never had bad tasting water in any of them, after doing an initial cleaning when they are new.

Regarding the leaking / overflow - when I fill my tank to the very top of the filler neck, I've noticed that my tank will expand to the point of slightly bulging and lifting the lid / sofa cushion that covers the tank on the inside of the camper. Realizing that the "head" caused by filling to the level of the filler neck a few feet above the tank level is exerting extra pressure on the tank, I've developed a practice of opening the drain petcock after filling, and releiving just enough water so there is no water left in the filler tube. This leaves the tank completely full, but not under added pressure. I don't get any spillage while driving.

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