Well happy winter everyone

Things are bleak here. It will go down as the driest February on record. We got a foot of snow Jan. 17th, now a distant fond memory, and that was just about it for January. The snow survey on end of the month will be bleak with folks starting to pray for a "March Miracle."

We are not just complaining but taking action. We put up the cedar swing outside yesterday. We aren't putting the snow tires on the Lady's car.

Come back winter!
It is supposed to be in the 60' s this week with the lows just hovering around freezing Yep no rain much less snow up here this month, and the snow pack is like at 60% of what it should be this time of the year. It is like we had our usual January Indian Summer arrive but it was having such a good time that it decided to stay! If it doesn't snow next month we could be in for some bad times, but it has snowed on both Labor Day and the 4th enough times here that maybe there could be some hope-although they have already had a few range fires in the valley! On the positive note, I can get to some of my usual go to places early this year!

We heard robins yesterday morning. Stellar jays are back and loud. This morning's low temperature was 45. I guess we should just give up on winter.....................

ski3pin said:
Things are bleak here. It will go down as the driest February on record. We got a foot of snow Jan. 17th, now a distant fond memory, and that was just about it for January. The snow survey on end of the month will be bleak with folks starting to pray for a "March Miracle."

We are not just complaining but taking action. We put up the cedar swing outside yesterday. We aren't putting the snow tires on the Lady's car.

Come back winter!
Seems like it's been spring here on Monterey bay for ever.
Lots of animals out also flowering trees are in full bloom.
Well spring begins Sunday 1 March.
Enjoy what's left of winter.
Visited our cabin in the San Bernardinos (7200’) on Saturday, nothing resembling snow on the ground. As of this morning, 10 inches of new and more forecast for today. I’m hoping for a Miracle March here in California.
We just had a strange weather warning here for the eastern Sierras that because of a very low snow pack, they were not issuing their usual spring creek/river flood warning---never saw one of those before- I guess we are back in a drought again!


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