What do you leave to occupy your site?

PackRat said:
A bit off topic, but more than once we arrived at some remote location at some Sierra Nevada lake and found only rustic campfire circles. Sure thing...about 5pm one afternoon after a short hike around the lake, a family shows up and sets up about 50 feet away. They could have had any site among a dozen or so but chose that one?

Then the generator fired up and the party began in earnest....the wife and I couldn't believe it. Thank God they didn't want to invite us over to their site and we had no plans whatsoever to join them or have them over in our camp. Four-wheeling jeeps and various motor-driven things were not what we were lookin forward to. We left a day early.....

I know this is why some of you forgo many "organized" camping places in Natl Forests or State Parks....getting away from all that is part of the experience. You guys spend time and energy to go SOLAR to avoid running a genny out in such beautiful surroundings!
This is why my iPad broadcasts the network name "Go Away".
When they check for a wifi signal they get the idea :p
^ good one !

Target practice on the lake eh? Reminds me of a late evening campsite find last year. This beautiful, out of the way lake featured skeet shooting with an air canon (basically a home made bazooka). It went like this ..."pull !" ... KA BOOM !! ... much hooting, hollering ... "pull !" ... well, you get the idea. Eventually they ran out of air, and steam ... amateurs, hah !

The only "sure" camp site is a single, room for only one vehicle site a long way away from any other possibilities. Just be sure you won't get blocked in.
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