What is this?


Advanced Member
Nov 12, 2016
Baja Arizona
Has anyone got a clue what this thing is? 20180729_215923.jpeg
yovik said:
Has anyone got a clue what this thing is?
Kinda hard to answer off a picture. More information is needed. Is this a loose board? Is it in your camper? Is your camper used? Looks like some one installed hooks to hang things. When you post to ask a question the more information you can provide will help all of us help you.
I have one of those with those 4 (edit)hooks and it came with my used Grandby.

It also had two very short shock cords, similar to the ones used to pull the tent fabric when closing.

The shock cord held the steel table support to that board, I assume for storage of the steel table support.

The folks that I purchased the Granby from never used the table, too heavy to take along they said, so they still had all the original parts.
Chrish said:
I have one of those with 2 hooks and it came with my used Grandby.

It also had two very short shock cords, similar to the ones used to pull the tent fabric when closing.

The shock cord held the steel table support to that board, I assume for storage of the steel table support.
Yep, this is it, I think. The same thing -- table-pedestal holder -- in my Hawk.
I'll be slicing that thing up and laminating it to a pine face frame in order to match the existing cabinetry.

There is a 18" empty space on the front driver side so the plan is to extend the cabinets and counter top into that area.


Same as in my 2007 Keystone. Just a loose panel with D rings laying on top of the water tank for holding the table support tube.
Thanks, folks. As the OP, I apologize for lack of context and background.

I have an 06 Hawk with the couch configuration. I don't have a table or dinette. As I removed the mattress few days ago, I found this under the mattress. There were no other components associated with this item.

Thanks for the clues folks!

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