Where to go!


Mar 15, 2008
NE Calif/NW Nev
Okay guys, I had planned to be out and about when I turned 70 a couple of weeks ago :p -you know sitting in a favorite place, vodka in hand, great book on the stand,and dog with ball in mouth. :) Well it seems turning 70 means a real life change-not like when I retired or was old enough for social security. The weather was great for "wandering", but not for the environment but I'm still here Instead of being on the road! You see, :oops: I had to for starters to (1) get a new drivers license and I actually had to go down in person to show them I was alive., (2) go down to the doctor and in person renew my prescriptions- again to make sure I was alive and to chart out a new "keep me alive" plan. And it was real below average cold here-which hampered even my daily "Bob" walks and a woke my arthritis :( . All these things took time-as does everything these days it seems!

All these things on top of the usual things like taxes, renewing insurance and most importantly, watching my beloved "49ers" in the play-offs :mad: , that is until my life ended a couple of weeks ago. Well all these things are done, the truck is outside charging up, the top is up and I'm packing her up, have two propane tanks filled, and the gas tank is topped off-and a bag of soup bones for Bob. The weather is still great, but there is a chance of snow later this week-a slight chance, but never the less "a chance". So where do I go-somewhere new or and old stand by. I got some info from some of you down in central Ca about that area, & getting there any which way but I-5, and lot's of neat TRs to look at for ideas, or i might go to the north coast and sit for a while at West Port Landing SB, then North up into Oregon/Washington-could even head into central Nevada and hope for good weather-but real cold weather really bothers my arthritis (that being 70 again thing), maybe down (or up) 395 and just "wander"! I even looked at the BLM Fort Ord web site-where I spent a few months running over sand dunes many moons ago-but alas no camping there. It's winter, but doesn't look like it so who knows what's open and for how long, and can't really visit any of the NPS parks because "Bob" needs a place to run :D !

Sooo, the question is where do I go, seeing how that I like allot of us -I never thought I'd never make 70 in the first place! And what should I bring along? Like a got something new-a couple boxes of all ready broke in half vermicelli (don't have to break 'em in half any more before i dump them in the pot-wow). It must be time to "adventure the west" in my FWC. ;) Don't need to see allot of people either while out and about! Any ideas!

My god you guys are sending me off to the end of the world! Those two would be a great one-two punch, and I may never come back!

Smoke, go over to the coast until you are feeling really good, then stay awhile. Start at your favorite old haunts. As the cares and this thought that 70 is old dissolves, keep working south on the coast and make some new discoveries. Stay away from big roads. Relax, have fun, let Bob play with his ball, then tell us all about it! :)
Being that I am about 6 months younger than you, my problem will be keeping cool. I am planning to head north to NewFoundLand for my NewFoundYouth. In the mean time I have a bunch of doctors I need to keep busy. Don't forget to start soc. sec. if you haven't yet and the IRA with drawls at 70.5. So much to remember and so little capacity to remember it with.
I'm betting that if cold awakes the arthritis that wet also does. So I'm thinking inland is the better bet, the Coast will not be very pleasant. So: Valley of Fire, Cathedral Gorge, Berlin-Ichythaurus SP, NV hot springs tour, etc.

maybe Toroweep, or southern Utah.
South, way south. Go get some fresh lobster on the beach in Baja. Enjoy!
Hope you and Bob are out on an adventure tonight.

The coast would be a good spot, since the ocean is the mother of all things.
Then again, soaking in a hot spring can do a body good.

Whatever you do will be just right for you and Bob.
Callie still wants to meet Bob for a romp!
Just came back from a few days on the North Oregon Coast with the fam before my sons returned to college. Weather currently along the whole coast is very un-winter like and in fact Astoria Oregon, the farthest north in Oregon you can go and where the Columbia River meets the ocean had several large for January forest fires last week. Point being is the Oregon Coast this winter is not very winter like yet at all.


Course I've always thought a winter trip to Death Valley would be nice. Maybe cold but maybe not:


Whatever your choice enjoy the trip and congratulations on your 7th decade of the Holocene epoch, in the Quaternary period, of the Cenozoic era.

It is an honor denied many.
Hot Springs in Death Valley. This was my camp visitor when last there. If you haven't been there yet it's a must do.

Well guys thanks for all the comments, lot's of places to go out there and lot's of time to do it :p! My thinking is along like what Ski suggested, no need to hurry-I'm retired after all, so later this week, I think I'm going to head west over to COE CG at Black Butte Res., then head over to Westport Landing SB, relax for a while then follow my nose to where ever! It seems like we have a weather front moving in here tonight-calling for snow -what ever that is, and it's drizzling here now. It's supposed to be raining at both Black Butte and Westport over these next few days, so-since i should have left yesterday, but still had things to do, and it might be interesting to see if this "Snow" actually does fall here :eek: , I think I'll go unload the frig, unplug the truck, drain the water tank and wait a couple of days and then head out of here when I'm not trying to out run a storm-after all -I'm retired right, so I should enjoy life, and not sweat the small stuff-what's three days anyway?. Besides I can't throw "Bob" his ball if we are sitting in the FWC all day :oops: and what is life without a ball to chase and new friends to meet! Hmmmm, the sun is poking out of the mist, ahhh, life is full of decisions, isn't it :giggle: ! Thanks for letting me vent!

Weekend forecast is looking pretty good. No hurry why not wait. Rain isn't my favorite to camp in.
That's what I'm thinking too, "Bob" gets bored if he sits in FWC to long! It looks like it's clearing here-hope not, the local paper has a big article on the drought-and we sure need it. Out off here soon!

Well that storm seems to be a bust, guess I'll go plug in the truck later, get ready to get out of here, probably on Friday-time for the adventure to begun!

No real need to worry or plan too much. Just get on the road, let things take care of themselves. Some of my best trips were totally unplanned. Ended up in some pretty awesome places that I had never heard of. It doesn't always turn out well, but often enough.

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