White Mountains Nevada - May 2018

teledork said:
There are things I will not discuss with most people - religion, politics and FERAL horses (well, there are a few more topics - in fact I rarely discuss anything with anyone anymore)

Thanks for the trip!
You are most welcome, teledork! Yup, most times it's best to stick to the cowboy code. :)

As a gentle refresher for all of us -

The Cowboy Code

Never squat with your spurs on.
Always get your water upstream from the herd.
Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut.

I try my darnest to keep to the code, but when you're thirsty, you're thirsty. :)
teledork said:
There are things I will not discuss with most people - religion, politics and FERAL horses (well, there are a few more topics - in fact I rarely discuss anything with anyone anymore)

Thanks for the trip!
We have several bands of feral horses around here. Seems to be an ongoing point of contention and one best left alone.
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