I broke down and ordered all the pieces for a Yakima solution. I am still waiting for everything to arrive.
- 2-pack of Q Towers $109.00 (Amazon)
- 6-pack of Lock cores $60.00 (Amazon) 4 extras to match my existing locks to the new ones. A 2-pack was $35.00
- 58 inch cross bar $45.00+$10.00 (Rack Attack)
- Q24 clips (pair) for my old truck $39.00+10.00 (Rack Attack) Hope these work!
- 50" Wind fairing $85.00 (Amazon)
So, for me, this solution was about $350.00, which was more than I wanted to spend but from looking at the photos posted, will look nice. If I am not happy with the fairing, I probably could put something together and mount it on the Yakima cross bar. I feel pretty good about it fixing my buffeting. I probably won't get all the parts and assemble it until next week.