Winter is Here

We're going to Jade Cove Beach about half way between Big Sur and Cambria this weekend. Forecast low 60's during the day and hi 40's at night.
Well, it was a paltry amount of snow compared to our neighbors up north, but it was just enough.
IMG_0660_sm.jpg IMG_0659_sm.jpg
I've given serious thought (as serious as I can this far out) to doing the snowbird thing when I retire. Just follow the good weather around. Winter is not my favorite time of the year.

craig333-the older you get the more you feel like that-thought I'd never say that-I love the mountain and desert here, but the cold is starting to get to me-could be too, this has been a looooong extra cold one so far!

Smoke, forecast for this weekend is low to mid 60's in Fort Bragg. That's not far from Westport, one of your preferred spots. So what are your priorities, warmth or Superbowl?

Build the fire real big on Sunday, then leave on Monday-unless the Niners don't win:(, then I'll be to hung over to drive! Warm is warm

For some it would be sacrilege to stay inside when winter is like this........................




Most everybody I know will be in the backcountry on Sunday. :D
Three day weekend for me. I may very well dig out the snowshoes and go play. However, you bet I'll be home in time for the game! I made the mistake once of thinking I'd watch the game at a casino. I forget people still smoke indoors in NV. Horrible little tv's too. Gamblers that care more about making money than the game itself. Learned my lesson.
We helped supervise a ski/snowshoe tour at Carson Pass on Ground Hog Day. The day was overcast and windy.



The snow was hard crust and wind slab up high, Carson Cardboard we call it. Down in the trees was about 4 inches of powder over hard crust. That was fun. Got to make the most out of whatever we get!
I was lucky enough to join friends for a week in a backcountry lodge north of Nelson, BC.
I drove 1000 miles in my bare 06 Tundra (no racks, no FWC) to get there. We slept along the Columbia River, both directions. Interesting side note: while it was 29F in Pendleton (on the Columbia), the temp in Boise was 8F. Apparently the maritime air mass and the effect of the river makes a huge difference compared to the intercontinental cold sink.

I packed a full DSLR and a p&S, depending upon the day. The crew was younger than me. In fact I was the 'old man' of the trip! Everyone seemed super fit and we did days of 4,000' vertical, climbing and skiing. One last day an advanced group did a 7,000' day. I wisely chose to ski with a different group and did half as much.

A few shots:

We had access to the Mt. Carlyle Lodge via heli. Fly in on Sunday, fly out following Sunday.

Some of the gang:

Our first two days it did not snow :(

So we climbed Mt. Carlyle. I'm the one in blue.

Descending is always a touch more difficult

Then we got some Kootenai cold smoke

Night time festivities

A fine week with old friends and new. Good food, big ski days and a nightly sauna. And zero cell phone / internet.

Winter snowpack/water in Central Oregon watersheds -- So far so good:


But we haven't had new snow for over a week and none on the horizon...

Here I am with the time and inclination for XC-skiing, and it's too damn icy on the trails to provide an enjoyable ski.
But we haven't had new snow for over a week and none on the horizon...

Here I am with the time and inclination for XC-skiing, and it's too damn icy on the trails to provide an enjoyable ski.

Dry as a bone up here in North Central Washington too. Ooooold snow still lying around, but not much fun to play with. I wish winter would s#!T or get off the pot! :(
Winter has decided to make a quick reappearance here yesterday afternoon with 8 inches of snow. My snowblowers are happy.
Winter has decided to make a quick reappearance here yesterday afternoon with 8 inches of snow. My snowblowers are happy.

We even have some snow on the hills here in Monterey.It's cold here 31* this morning,for us it's cold.
10-12" of dry powder on Donner Summit this morning.
We got 6-8" on the hills above Nevada City and it snowed pretty good in town yesterday.

Wish today was a ski day and not a work day!
"Winter is back" here in Bend. After weeks of (almost) no precipitation, a snow-bearing storm came through yesterday/overnight. Less than half an inch here in town, but they got about a foot at Mt. Bachelor.
Finally it's worth heading for the hills again for skiing.

But I'll wait until Monday for fun...'cause I can.
Despite all those wonderful pictures, including Ski and the Lady ones of Lassen NP, we need more of that here in the Sierra's and NW Great Basin; they just came out with the snow pack figures and estimates for this time of the year. Despite a wonderful December( we were up to a 140% of normal), most of January and all of Feb. have sucked. North to south the figures were bad, 59%/73 %, 55 and 71 and 51 and 65 of ave for April and % compared to the ave snow pact. Reno TV was just saying we should be a 30 rate in the mountains and we are at a 20! We here in Suzieville have been getting more cold than snow-just a dusting here and there-but we need more-lot's more. Fires, drought, no snow, floods, hey, no climate change! Snow, let it snow, let it snow. What's it like in central Oregon, Mark and what's the story in the rest of the west? I know Washington seems to be getting what we need here and the central part of the US is being smashed by blizzards.

The March 1st snow surveys for our area are starting to show up on my desk. After a great start to winter here, January and February snowfall has been possibly record breaking, the lowest in history. The upper Mokelumne River Drainage is at 63% of normal.

Sacramento Bee Article
Thanks a lot Hawaii! If we wanted your stupid warm weather we'd just fly there :p

Alpine has just been getting destroyed with warm air and massive precipitation for days. Lots of snow but it's not good for anything except avalanches. Rivers are raging, ducks are back in my yard again. Makes for a pretty cool image though, I will admit.

Classic pineapple express, as column-integrated water vapour

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