Winter Solstice 2013

Here in the valley no snow just rain and wind, only about 1/2" in the gage since last night.

All the talk about snow blowers reminded me of a work trip to C/O in MN. A good friend who had worked in CA before moving back took me to his home for lunch. On the way he said Bill you are going to do something you have never done today. Got to his house and he got out the snow blower. I did his drive way for him, fun but not sure I would want to do it all the time.
Starting to get a bit unpleasant up at the local ski area -- a bit sticky at the lodge/base-of-lifts:


at Mt. Bachelor, 11:30 a.m.

Still 11° at my place and still accumulating snow...But because it's so cold down low -- with warm-storm moving in, now I'm a-fearin' that we may see that worst-of-all precipitation: freezing rain. :(

OK...time to bundle up, get outside, and clear the most critical areas of snow while I still can. :ninja:
I used to think if it ever snowed here or we got the freezing rain I'd go out and make some money but after watching the storm in the South I think I'll stay home. Just because I have the capability to move in bad weather doesn't mean I should. People still haven't learned how to drive in the rain here.
It's still coming down at my place at >1 inch/hour at 11°F.
I wonder if we're getting so much snow in the cold areas of Oregon because cold air from the northwest is converging here with warm moisture from the southwest?
The satellite image below makes it look that way...but it could be misleading. :unsure:
I don't know...I'm not really a weatherman. ;)

Looks like it to me also Mr. Weatherman. Good call. From the warmer side of the storm, I can say there is a lot of moisture!
Still waiting for the hard rain they said we'd get. Never really thought we'd get 2inches. Thank god the ridge is gone though. A normal winter here out won't fix the drought but its a good start.
I just found an interesting rainfall map from the NOAA at

Based on what it says, rainfall amounts have varied quite a bit within the Sacramento area and some places have had as much at 4 inches in the past 48 hours. That's a pretty good rainfall if the reports are accurate.

Nope, won't fix the drought but should perk things up some.
Rained all weekend, then------about one last night it snowed-then froze-and it was not supposed to do either, a couple of inches of frozen snow is a start! . Snow plow just went up the street! Cold day, roads crusted over, with fog and a drizzle , and some spots of sun-real wird day for weather. Almost looked and felt like a pokoniv coming in but to many fast temp changes between hot and cold today! They say Reno will hit 60 later this week. Ah, well a perfect day for a fire and curling on tv!

We had over 2 feet of snow in Bend over the weekend.
But fortunately it's now melting, and the forecast predicts more good snow-melting conditions for the new few days:


I hope the snows persists in the mountains...just don't want it down here.
Over the weekend storm total here, we received 13.5 inches of rain. Now lets have another move through.

And speaking of real men with big snowblowers.........................................

That must have sheared a few pins and sounded impressive. Blower was taken out of service for repairs I can imagine.
Sure must have made a noise-anyone sitting in it must of had a rude shock :oops: !! Anyway, another cold miserable day here, a chance of rain/snow, an overcast, once in a while the sun pokes thru-well it's Feb right, so we should expect this, more more snow please. Back to curling! :)

Wet and continued mostly-wet in these parts for the next week:


We're right in it!:

I'm going to drive over the Cascades to The Valley on Tuesday...but I've never let a little snow stop me before, short of a blizzard. :unsure:
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