Winter Solstice 2013

That was not much of a winter guys, yep been sitting on my back deck with drink in hand, in the sun and planning those trips of spring before all the places burn up this year---or because there was just enough rain to cause the grass to grow, all the happy rodents and even happier rattlesnakes waiting for them or me or "Bob" to walk by!

Bright sun, cold, cold wind, sprng plants coming up all at once, and no snow, & they just said we got 18% of average here in the Northern mountains and have extreme drought in the Basin and the central Sierras got 38% of normal :ninja: ! I heard from a younger friend that the fire fighters this year had been warned to tell their friends and relatives not to expect to see them to much this year :cautious: -be on the fire line all the time. Yep, doesn't look like March here at all, well bitching can't help, so me thinks it's time to head out at the end of the week for the back country before it all get's burnt up-a fun year for all! :D

I expect there will be a very short window when campfires are allowed this year. May even get some early road closures. How am I going to teach the dog to swim with no water?
craig333 said:
I expect there will be a very short window when campfires are allowed this year. May even get some early road closures. How am I going to teach the dog to swim with no water?
Come up to Eagle Lake-he can watch my dog chase his ball out in it (there is more water than last year -but it still is bad-but good enough for for a dog swim :D -at least for a while anyway!

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