Winter Solstice 2013

January and fire warning for the hills in the Bay Area, first time ever. 70 here for the next few days. Send rain.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
PS.Maybe a rain dance or some kind of ceremony involving virgins.
Who knows anything at this time might work.
We have been out snow dancing on the deck every night. It's not working. :(
Bill I lived in Oakland for many years. I was born there. About 30 years ago a fire started during red flag warnings up above the tunnel going out to Walnut Creek and burned hundreds of homes and down along Broadway to below college avenue and to the south along mountain boulevard It was very bad. It took over a week to get it out. Larry
As much as I like to joke about our weather, I don't mean to make light of the severe drought you all are having. The had a report on the news here last night about it. I hope you get lots of rain/snow soon.
takesiteasy said:
As much as I like to joke about our weather, I don't mean to make light of the severe drought you all are having. The had a report on the news here last night about it. I hope you get lots of rain/snow soon.
Here in Northern Oregon, we are over 8 inches below normal for the water year that started 10/1/13. Our average for a year is 38 inches in the Portland area.
Yeah I'm hoping the rain starts soon and the snow will pile up in the mountains. If it doesn't, I guess I'll do more camping since there will be less fishing opportunity. :(

Oh...and I'm tired of this #@%@#! fog too...
N'kwala said:
It's scaring the bejeepers out of me. Just looks really grim.
Me too!2X Have not seen it this bad in NE Ca/NW Nevada since I've been here(34 years). Not even a good rain much less snow!

Hate to point the finger of blame...but really, the Canadians are taking the USA-West's they did last year, too. :(

VIS4_20140115-1.gif :cautious:

Does Canada know something we don't know :eek: ! Maybe if we asked nice they would give us some water :p since invading the place doesn't seem to work to well :D !

Smokecreek1 said:
Does Canada know something we don't know :eek: ! Maybe if we asked nice they would give us some water :p since invading the place doesn't seem to work to well :D !

Funny you should mention that.Years ago I seem to remember some plan to TAKE water from the BC area of the Columbia and pipe,canal it into northern Ca. Don't think it got past the idea stage.
Boy the lengths we would go to get water.
I remember that Frank-wasn't it followed by one that suggested we tow ice bergs down here from the Arctic or some such thing. What sounds stupid today, may be possible in the future---like men flying, so maybe there is hope somewhere-hey any cheap campgrounds down your way open that are not on fire, it's so dry here, I think I may be taking your suggestion to come down to the central Cal coast to hide for a while----anything is better than sitting here and hoping for snow and burning all my wood up!

Cities on the coasts should be getting water from the ocean. The cost of desalination will ultimately be much less than the billions and billions and billions we have spent on huge reservoirs and conveyance systems and the billions and billions we plan to spend. My pocketbook is tired. Mulholland should have looked west instead of east.
:mad: Unfortunately, the pols would rather take Owens Valley, Northern Ca or Surprise Valley water and ship it to LA, so a few people can make allot of money :ninja: . Every time I see that LA power and Water truck up near Cederville I get mad! We all know about the Nevada water grab(s) by the LV monied interests, private hunting clubs and foreign mining interests by those folks who think there is nothing out there in the Great Basin or up in northern California :p so why not put the water to use in the cities and on corporate farms-my god, I'm sounding like a leftest environmentalist or something-second thought, maybe I are one-getting old is making me much less forgiving than I used to be! Once they get the water they will never give it back, yep, need allot of the those plants on the coast, Ski, maybe even change our eating habits too while we are at it :D! Gr :) rrr Hisss! Vote the mothers out!

Smokecreek1 said:
I remember that Frank-wasn't it followed by one that suggested we tow ice bergs down here from the Arctic or some such thing. What sounds stupid today, may be possible in the future---like men flying, so maybe there is hope somewhere-hey any cheap campgrounds down your way open that are not on fire, it's so dry here, I think I may be taking your suggestion to come down to the central Cal coast to hide for a while----anything is better than sitting here and hoping for snow and burning all my wood up!

Smoke,don't know if they are cheap,but there are the ones below Big Sur SP.Kirk Creek NFCG and Limekiln SP, Montana del Oro,Morro bay Strand,which I think is free but just a parking area on the bay.Also the CG in Monterey,Veterans park.Ted stays there sometimes when in the area.Also San Simeon SP the Washburn part.Nice and quiet that is only 18$ senior discount.
There are some NFCGs up in the Hunter Liggett area of the NF but don't know if they are open.
At least if you head down this way you get to visit some of our beaches and see the wildlife.
Hope I have helped.

PS Bring sun tan lotion!!!
ski3pin said:
Cities on the coasts should be getting water from the ocean. The cost of desalination will ultimately be much less than the billions and billions and billions we have spent on huge reservoirs and conveyance systems and the billions and billions we plan to spend. My pocketbook is tired. Mulholland should have looked west instead of east.
Ski YOU HAVE MY VOTE. Our water company in Monterey is fighting to build a private one while the voters have voted a public run one.Guess who will win.
We can only conserve so much,but it takes the whole community,not just the few.
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