Winter Solstice 2014

That's a nice one, ski3pin. :)
What a different world it was 100 years ago...when soldiers dedicated to killing each other could spontaneously put that aside for a day of peace.

For those who don't have a 2014 ONDA Wild Desert Calendar to refer to, the winter solstice occurs this Sunday, the 21st, at 3:03 p.m. PST. That day is also a new moon. So the shortest day of the year and the dark of the moon -- there's gonna be a lotta dark on December 21. :unsure:
Thanks Ski.
I am trying to write something profound but all I can think of is, doesn't seem that we have learned much in the last 100 years.
It would be nice to have a world of all good and hope. Some day when it's not too late.

Have a great Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year.
Paris/Barcelona first day of Winter.
The Casa Family
MarkBC said:
For those who don't have a 2014 ONDA Wild Desert Calendar to refer to, the winter solstice occurs this Sunday, the 21st, at 3:03 p.m. PST. That day is also a new moon. So the shortest day of the year and the dark of the moon -- there's gonna be a lotta dark on December 21. :unsure:
Woohoo... That is the day... Come on more daylight.
MarkBC said:
That's a nice one, ski3pin. :)
What a different world it was 100 years ago...when soldiers dedicated to killing each other could spontaneously put that aside for a day of peace.

For those who don't have a 2014 ONDA Wild Desert Calendar to refer to, the winter solstice occurs this Sunday, the 21st, at 3:03 p.m. PST. That day is also a new moon. So the shortest day of the year and the dark of the moon -- there's gonna be a lotta dark on December 21. :unsure:
That's as dark as it gets! Least sun and least moon.
We're headed for the dark side of the Inyo's, too. Departure delayed by storm, but we're headed out early with camper fully packed!

The farther the pendulum swings to one side, the bigger the arc t'other!
2015 is going to be a blast! Whoo hoo!
Lighthawk said:

The farther the pendulum swings to one side, the bigger the arc t'other!
Hmmm....Sounds suspiciously like perpetual motion, to me. There's a law against that, bub -- a Law of Thermodynamics. Let you off with a warning this time..

Well, it's gonna be extra dark here in Oregon -- clouds and rain -- heavy rain in the mountains and on the west side.


With a Flood Watch in effect because it's gonna be raining even in the mountains -- melting the small amount of snow that's up there now.
As I was taught the 3 laws of thermodynamics:
1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't get out of the game.

Smartest thing in universe? A thermos bottle.

You put hot stuff in; it stays hot.
You put cold stuff in; it stays cold.

How does it know? ;)

Little bit of special bubbly here at home to celebrate the solstice............................we're not having any guests over.

ski3pin said:
Little bit of special bubbly here at home to celebrate the solstice............................we're not having any guests over.

What a great way to celebrate the beginning of the Sun's turn -- with a total house-cleaning!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Mr 3pin, that doesn't sound like any fun! ..............................
I'm the help mate and observer this go around. Let the "house cleaning" begin!

Happy Holidays to all. :)
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Well we just got off the Air France flight to Barcelona.
The weather, well let my say it's about 62' and sunny.

Bon Noel.

Bon Noel Frank! Have a great holiday!
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