Winter Solstice 2014

I was thinking about the science, Mr. Stew, and the dynamics of the earth, that are definitely cool.

The days are getting longer now, Happy Solstice!
Weather in the central and eastern Great Basin is looking favorable after Christmas:

Austin, NV: Austin_20141225-27.jpg

Ely, NV: Ely_20141225-27.jpg

That is "favorable" for winter camping.
Cold = Frozen ground = Good
And any sun is also good. :)

I may need to take advantage of the forecast weather and relatively cheap gasoline this winter and head out to my occasional, frequent, post-Xmas destination, Great Basin N.P.
The forecast of snow on Xmas day, followed by some sun, should be mighty purdy.
Just saw the sun pop out here; been having an almost wet winter with some snow. I almost forgot that winter was supposed to be wet and snowy and not just cold. They say a good chance of "SNOW" on X-mas, then it seems to warm up a bit. Yep Mark weather seems to be saying time to go play somewhere. and me thinks that after x-mas maybe I'll head over to the coast (like in Lost Coast or Rockport) for New Years with maybe a stop at Black Butte res.or Indian valley res. on the way over. Who knows, if the weather report shows allot of little suns in the other direction could head east or south, but camping in the snow right now isn't in the plan-my old bones just seem to not like snow and the cold like they used too!

It's looking a bit nippy for Bend the next few days -- especially Tuesday with a high temp forecast of 12°F.


Nothing close to a record...but colder than normal.

I'm heading for southeast Oregon, northwest Nevada on Wednesday, so I expect my camper heater(s) will be running a bit as I pass into the New Year. ;)
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Mark, have a great trip! Any specific destination(s)?
I don't have a real itinerary...but my plan is to head south then east: 97, 31, 395 then east on 140. Not sure where I'll camp first...maybe Big Spring Reservoir, maybe Bog Hot Spring. Might head then as far south as the Jackson Mts on the east side of the east arm of the Black Rock Desert -- camp at the mouth of McGill Cyn. I'll probably eventually head up to Fields and the Alvord, camp at Pike Creek.

But who knows? I don't need an itinerary! :)
Several inches of snow has fallen at my house this morning -- almost 6 inches so far and it's still coming down.

If it keeps accumulating like this it'll soon reach the point where I either have to shovel my 100-foot driveway or drive the truck. (little Honda Civic does great on firm-snowy/icy roads but kinda wallows when it gets about 8" deep -- snow builds up in front of the air dam)
Mark-it's just cold and what little snow we had here in the valley is frozen solid and makes it more mizzzerable if that's possible; spoke to soon-now we have a wind that's come up and made it worse! It's supposed to be real windy out by Gerlach later on, and like here is supposed to drop into the low single digits by New Years, so me thinks your heaters will be running a bit. How cold has it been here :D -well cold enough for me to stick the metal point of my upper bridge into my tongue when I tried to put it in this morning-bled like a stuffed pig, I did-hurts too, now how do i put a band-aid on it? I'd have a drink but I'm afraid I'd bit it off if i imbibed in to many :) !

On top of this the main city water main (runs down the street in front of my house)just sprung a leak a couple of days ago and I have a layer of ice in front of my driveway. I live on a hill so slides ville is the name of the game right now-the city just came out and marked the area with nice colored paint guns-wonder if they are going to try and fix it. Maybe I'll take that as a sign to wait 'till the suns warms the world up a bit before I try and load up the truck. If you have an incident and can't find your rancher friend,drop a line and I'm sure "Bob" will get off his pillow in front of the fire place and help me load the truck so we can come to the rescue :D . Have fun, wonder if that make shift out house is still set up at Pikes Creek-great view of the desert from the seat of honor :p .

Smoke doesn't sound like your New Year is starting off to well.
Take care and warm.
We are in the Granada Spain area and it's about 25 with some snow
on the mountain peaks.

Have a great New Year.

Hey Frank-we woke up alive again, and are both still having fun, so me thinks thats what counts :D ? But come to think about it, Spain sure sounds great-have some of that good Spanish sausage with lots of salsa and think of all those places we will see and enjoy in the new year. Now if that ice outside would just thaw a little.

According to this Bend Bulletin article (excerpt below), the Deschutes and Crooked River drainages in Central Oregon have received precipitation, but not enough as snow:

Rains lead to low Central Oregon snowpack
By Dylan Darling • The Bulletin /
Published Jan 5, 2015 at 05:29PM / Updated Jan 5, 2015 at 11:11PM

The snowpack in Central Oregon is less than half of normal for this time of year, despite recent snowfall and subzero temperatures in Bend.

Rains early in the water year, which started Oct. 1, and last month improved reservoir levels around the region but did not add to the mountain snow supply.

“We have had some pretty good precipitation, but it just hasn’t been in the form of snow,” said Marilyn Lohmann, a forecaster for the National Weather Service in Pendleton.

The snowpack for the Deschutes/Crooked River Basin was at 42 percent of normal Monday, according to data collected by federal snow surveyors from automated sites around Central Oregon. While the sites show low snow, the amount of precipitation has been above normal.


But I suppose this is better than our friends to the south are seeing in their's still early. :unsure:
Our reservoirs are so low they're saving all the precip they can whether its snow or rain. Even a good pineapple express could be handled by the reservoirs easily this year. Might not be fun for localized flooding.
How bad is the drought? They have been saying this is the worst drought in many thousands of years. I saw a article in the local newspaper that noted that California's water reserves, due to these several years of drought, were something 5 trillion in the the hole; this last storm(s) only added something like 65 billion back in. I'm not sure where they got those figures and those may have not been the exact numbers, but ratio shows how great the problem is!

Well, our last little storm went through on Dec 24-25. Since then, nothing. First snow survey reports 45% of normal snowpack so it is looking like year four of drought here.

I spoke with a friend associated with state water meetings. There is a glimmer of hope as some models predict a wet February and March. Let's hope so or many of our trout might have to start carrying canteens.
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