Winter Wanderland

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Oh, sugarfoot…

A major atmospheric storm is headed toward Northern California, promising to drop up to 10 feet of snow on Sierra Nevada mountain peaks and much-needed rain throughout the region… If you live in the Sierra, today is the final day to prepare for a multi-day winter storm that will likely be remembered for years to come, the National Weather Service warned in a forecast issued Saturday.” Associated Press
Quite a forecast. Fixings for hot cider and hot chocolate are in place. Diesel and gasoline - tractor and generator - are secure. Just another winter day in the mountains.
My next door neighbor (home in Bend) texted me:
"A little snow on the ground this morning...will be gone soon though"
pvstoy said:
Is neighbor mailing you your snow to enjoy! ;)
Good idea! Here in the subtropics of Florida, where I'm camped, I bet I'd get a premium price for genuine Western snow -- High Desert snow at that!
It’s beginning to look a lot like winter…

Mr. Sage, nice B&W of the old homestead in winter! We have 10-14 inches forecast for tonight with 3-7 for tomorrow. Another 6-10" Wednesday-Thursday. Oh boy, I can hear Crosby singing in the background.
Thank you, Mr. 3Pin! The forecast here is for up to 9 more inches by next Monday, with low temperatures in the teens starting Wednesday. Right now, we have rain on about 5” of very wet snow.
I knew that Mr 3pin's Crosby reference was to "White Christmas" -- anticipating that in California's mountains. But what came to mind was a Crosby Christmas album that our family had about a million years ago. This one:

And while that album included "WC" and other Christmas standards, the song I remembered referred to a Christmas similar -- weather-wise -- to what I likely will experience this year.

(it also included a wacky jazz/swing? version of Jingle Bells, featuring the Andrews Sisters :O )
Guess that wasn't a reference to Crosby, Stills, & Nash singing "Silent Night" at the 2015 National Tree Lighting?


Seriously. though. Bing is a much better choice..
I wish snow forecasts (and rain, too) were always shown as in this from AccuWeather:

I'm not used to seeing snow-depth predictions presented as a probability distribution, but I like it!
I'm sure this isn't new, but what I usually get is something like "... up to 10 inches overnight... ", which means that 10 inches is not the most likely amont. At least, that's what is provided on the local TV news.
I see the value of making people aware of, and prepared for, worst-case...but I'm interested in what the most likely snow fall will be, and "up to xx" ain't it.
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