Winter Wanderland

So far in this last series of storms I'm up to 1.87 inches of rain. If this keeps up I may decide to get new tires sooner rather than later.
At our home (Monterey),we had close to 5" all through the storm.
Nice and steady no problems so far.

Now to the forecast to our present location,next 10 days mid 60's
lows high 40's and lots of sun.

You gotta like Christmas in Barcelona.
Happy winter.
Only a foot thus far but the weather folks are still warning about the big one coming in now. A small break in the storm, so drove out and brought 10 gallons of diesel home. A friend just called with a problem with his walk behind snowblower. He's on the way over to "borrow" parts off our spare blower until the power tool shop opens tomorrow.

Just another day in the mountains.
How how I would love to run a few of my neighbors poorly parked cars through that machine! :)

But only in my dreams. Julie constantly tells me, "You should model good behavior."

Someday I might ask, "Why?"
A chilly few days coming up in Bend. High temps below freezing.
But it's an improvement over an earlier forecast showing single-digit lows.

We have been having a lot of wind today, I would expect all the ski resorts are shut down most of their lifts. Bummer this is when they make money.

Many of the major roads are closed. Washoe Valley I-580 closed most of the day with multiple car accidents, not surprised with the wind it is just a ground blizzard out there. More snow to come.

Cheer up, Spring is coming.
HaaHaa, I sent a neighbor a text to come over and get his snow back. Neighbor across the street is having work done and noticed the porta-potty has blown over.
Yep winter is here at the Cascade-Northern Sierra Inter face-have almost 200% of what our usual snow pack is supposed to be at this time of the year. Was around 20% a week or so ago. Wonder if our 10 year drought is over :rolleyes:! Smoke



First off Happy New Years everyone!

I have been wondering how those of you in the mountain west are doing since we haven’t heard much back East but I am very glad to see that everyone is coping fairly well. I sure do hope that this is the end of the drought that you have been experiencing.

Actually, the real reason I posted today was in hopes of seeing Ski in action with his snow machine! That brings back sweet memories of when I used to live in the mountains of NH…

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