Wow. Ranger shot just outside Moab.

i just read through all the posts and decided to put my 2 bits into the convo : )
I had the (now humorus) unpleasant experience of having a cansister hit the ground with the safety off. It sprayed less than a 1/2 second along the ground...I spent the next 10 minutes trying to catch my breath (i was about 5 1/2+ feet above the spray on a calm morning) burning in amazing pain. By 5 minutes into the ordeal my eyes swelled shut and remained so for about 30 minutes and my i wanted to rip my skin off. I was nearly 100% incapacitated for about 45minutes.

Too funny. I maced myself when I was a kid messing around with my moms mace (it was the early 80's and allt he rage for women to have mace...) - same experiece at probably 10% the potency - I can't imagine real full strnegth bear spray!

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