Wrinkled vinyl windows


Advanced Member
Mar 19, 2012
Portland, OR
I've got older Ranger FWC, Overall decent shape canvas/body, but vinyl windows are semi hardened, wrinkled, and hard to make fit on Velcro strips. Any known solution to this?

Appreciate any ideas. I've been thinking to massage them with hair dryer.
...vinyl windows are semi hardened, wrinkled, and hard to make fit on Velcro strips. Any known solution to this?

The plastic itself has changed. I'm not sure if it's through loss of plasticizer or UV damage to the polymer...but I have a feeling that it's permanent.

OK, having said that, here's a product that does claim to soften vinyl. What do I know...maybe it works.
I didn't have too much hope to make them soft I guess. But maybe stretching them a bit. That product is more for upholstery I'd guess.
This is what a lot of us use:

It works very well and you s/b able to find it locally.
I have an '86 Grandby and the windows are very soft. I use the 303 every few months.

Also- when the windows get old, be very careful when it is cold out as they can crack when you fold them.

This is what a lot of us use:

It works very well and you s/b able to find it locally.
I have an '86 Grandby and the windows are very soft. I use the 303 every few months.

So this product is for protection, right?
Do you know if it works for vinyl that's already gone stiff?
So this product is for protection, right?
Do you know if it works for vinyl that's already gone stiff?

Not sure about that - but, this is what ATC & 4WC will recommend. They also advise NOT to use the product that starts with an "Arm" and ends with "all".

(I don't like to say negative things about a product...I try to stick to facts).

303 really does soften up the vinyl. My windows are just like a baby's butt! (w/o the smell)

I get it at the local Ace Hardware.

loss of plasticizer

I believe that is what happens. The plasticizers are what binds the little tiny bits of the plastic together. Sort of like a lube.
Lose that and the plastic doesn't stay together anymore, it cracks.
I believe that is what happens. The plasticizers are what binds the little tiny bits of the plastic together. Sort of like a lube.
Lose that and the plastic doesn't stay together anymore, it cracks.

Kinda...not so much binding, but yes like a lube. Plasticizers (up until last year) were part of my professional life.

A plasticizer lowers the "glass-transition temperature" -- the transition between "glass" (stiff/rigid) and "rubber" (soft/flexible) -- of a polymer (aka "plastic"). The plasticizer gets between the polymer molecules and allows them to wiggle and flex and loosen up rather than to be stiff and rigidly aligned with one another. (It's kinda like the effect that booze has on a party of otherwise-uptight humans.
) At its most extreme, a plasticizer can even act like a solvent and the plastic becomes runny. (Kinda like when a human becomes too boozed up, too relaxed, and collapses in a pool of "liquid" on the floor.
So, with the right plasticizer mixed in, a plastic that would otherwise be stiff at ordinary temperatures becomes flexible even at lower temperatures -- because the "glass transition temperature" has been lowered. Lose that plasticizer and the plastic becomes brittle and cracks -- like glass does, rather than flex -- like rubber does. That's why it cracks.

UV damage is a different effect that I'm less-sure about...it breaks bonds in the polymer I think... (I'm not a polymer chemist -- just a chemical engineer
Makes good sense Mark and that's the way I understand it.
Perhaps we should contact the tech guys at 303 and find out how their product really works.

After all, there is a good audience here. BTW, I noticed they are located in the small town of Palo Cedro (norCal)...know who lives there?
Merle Haggard.
BTW, I noticed they are located in the small town of Palo Cedro (norCal)...know who lives there?
Merle Haggard.

Know who else lives in Palo Cedro? My parents! (and me from the age of 12-18)
Yep, "the Hagg" is the local celebrity there.
Small world.
In my case windows are not particularly brittle but don't soothe out(wrinkle back) when put on Velcro.
Personal experience is 303 will keep em soft but won't reverse damage thats already occurred. I'm betting you can't umm replasticize either.
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