WTW October Pork Rally

Well you know I am mostly just messing around...

It was a great time and the food was awesome. I had to stay "somewhat" responsible as it was up to Marc and I to make sure the pig got turned every few minutes. I did not take many pics at the rally that others have not already posted.

I was up Coyote Valley and in the Green Creek area a few days before the rally. I have some nice pics from the Coyote Valley that I will post in the next few day.

It was really nice meeting all the folks that showed up for the rally.....what a pleasure to see people from all different walks of life hanging out in the same place and having a good old time.

The pig was excellent. Yuma really enjoyed it. Now he's boycotting dog food. Thanks guys.:mad:

In spite of some mechanical difficulties, I did get the Jeep out and did some exploring. The Stanislaus NF didn't have a single road sign and the numbered signs were few and far between. Don't think they've ever heard of carsonite. Nonetheless due to my excellent navigational skills I found the trail and still made it back just as the pig was being carved.

Was great seeing Marty and the gang there. Unfortunately for Marty, Marc, and the other popup guys, I think everyone is going to opt for the Volvo option now. http://www.menrad-in...sh/our-vehicle/
Was great to meet Rudi and Rita.

Weather was phenomenal. Shirt sleeve weather most of the time. With my windows open and my summer bag I never got cold. We did get a hint of showers but not enough to run anyone inside.

Location was great. Dogs loved it ( I promise I won't bring up the doggie porn) had the river right behind us.

I'm not posing pics because I found my new (used) camera only holds about 16 pics and I don't have shots that haven't already been posted. Time for a new card /sigh

I'm ready for the next rally. Can anyone say "snow trip"?
I don't have anything juicy to add (except to say that the pork was). :p
And speaking of the pork, I'd never tasted roasted pig skin before, but it is most-excellent! Thin and crispy! (not at all like the "cracklins" you buy in a bag, which are deep-fried, I think)
Thanks again for MarcXP and Cort's work on the pig. :)
Just these teaser photos and nothing in the trip reports. I'm seeing a few new monikers but other than that - nada. So is this a situation where Deltarat was the only ones sober enough to take photos and recover since the weekend? Or is more of a Craig got his wish and what happens in camp stays in camp?

I mean c'mon, no one has even mentioned how the pig came out! :unsure:

A few quick comments:
1. Many thanks to XP Marc, DD and Cort for doing the lion's share of the work in organizing and executing a great event. It was fun for my wife and I to finally meet many of the people from this forum, as well as some other nice folks that showed up.
2. Yes Cort, you did have a great time.
3. I hope I am not out of line in sharing the most memorable quote of the weekend. I know it violates the "what happens in camp, stays in camp" creed, however, it was bound to come out sooner or later. This came from XP Marc on Sat. afternoon: "I have always wanted to do a pig in the forest, it's been a dream of mine." You could have heard a pin drop after that!
Thanks again guys.
-Richard and Ginny
XP Marc on Sat. afternoon: "I have always wanted to do a pig in the forest, it's been a dream of mine."

LOL - yes thanks for the reminder. We are going to get some mileage out of that one :LOL: :D
This came from XP Marc on Sat. afternoon: "I have always wanted to do a pig in the forest, it's been a dream of mine." You could have heard a pin drop after that!

We are going to get some mileage out of that one

Such as:

Marc is from Germany, isn't he? I guess that "Black Forest ham" I've heard about means something more than just good eatin!
This came from XP Marc on Sat. afternoon: "I have always wanted to do a pig in the forest, it's been a dream of mine."

Now that is the kind of stuff I was looking for!
Such as:

Marc is from Germany, isn't he? I guess that "Black Forest ham" I've heard about means something more than just good eatin!

Aha! I'll never look at pork products the same again! :eek:
Yeah Yeah.. make fun of the immigrants....

It is true that this was my 1st pig i did in the woods and probably not the last; since it was a really fun experience. :LOL:

Well; that is a bridge over the water.

It was a challenge to cook a pig on the spit and keep it moist at the same time. You have to constantly work the fire; turn the spit; make sure your sous- chef doesn't kill the keg;since he was the rotisserie motor( Thanks Cort!) etc etc.

I had never cooked a whole animal like this; but now is the questions?
What are we going to cook next on the spit? Turkeys; Lamb; 1/4 cow; rolled prime rib roast??

It was fun meeting you all and looking forward to the next cook out.
I must say that the Pork Fest was an outstanding success and would like to reiterate my thanks to all of thoughs that put in the hard work to make this happen. Great pics and write up guys. When time permits I'll put a report together.

Wow guys, looks like another one for the books. Loving the flamingos. Look forward to reading the reports.
I'm not posing pics because I found my new (used) camera only holds about 16 pics and I don't have shots that haven't already been posted. Time for a new card /sigh

Craig, I sent you a PM.
Yeah come on guys tell us what happened. I noticed I am in a few pics but can't remember a thing :cool:


Cort - Thought you might want this photo from the Pork Rally. Hope all is going well for you.


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