10 Days In The Great Outdoors


New Member
Jun 25, 2009
Hey Folks,

Been awhile since I posted anything, but I just got back from a very enjoyable excursion into my absolute favorite place, Southern Utah. I'd like to post it here, but apparently I'm still too much of a rookie poster because when I tried I got the message that I'd exceeded my image limit - So, if you'll excuse the grievous breach of protocol, I will post the links to my trip from that "other" forum (RV.net) in case anyone wants to see where I've been.

FYI, I spent most of the time exploring Dark Canyon and the surrounding area - I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves the backcountry as much as I do. Here you go:

Part 1 - Navajo NM
Part 2 - Cedar Mesa
Part 3 - Elk Ridge
Part 4 - North Long Point
Part 5 - Beef Basin
Part 6 - Cathedral Valley

I hope you enjoy it. Happy Trails!

Great report, love the detail. Thanks.

FYI your last 4 links are bad (one too many http' s in the link)
Nice pics.
FYI your last 4 links are bad (one too many http' s in the link)

Thanks SunMan - I musta fat-fingered a copy key .... BTW, I loved your Utah trip as well. There are just too many outstanding places to see there.
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