5th annual SoCal Four Wheel Camper Owners Rally Oct 28th-30th


After reserving your site email Sonam sonam@fourwh.com with number attending for food planning and T-shirt size
1 site remaining in Primary loop 68-100

as of 8/29/16

Summers almost over. Cool weather is coming.

In Secondary loop 101 - 107 - 6 sites remaining close to Site 100. The rest of the loop is open.
Sonam (sonam@fourwh.com) reports only receiving 15 out of a possible 25 requests for shirt sizes.

For food planning we need an exact count of attendees.

Thirty of thirty-one sites have been reserved for that week end. Four Wheel has reserved 6 leaving leaving 24 reserved. Without your check-in to Sonam we have no way of knowing if they are all reserved by Four Wheel owners.

If you have NOT checked in with Sonam please do so soon.​
I can't make it for the weekend, but might come up from San Diego and swoop on an extra parking spot for a night if available.

We can squeeze you in for a night.

Should be no problem at all.

Just e-mail me at ... stan@fourwh.com

Then I can make some notes on my reservations and plan for it.

Look forward to having you join us if you can make it.

: )

------------------------------------ REMINDER----------------------------------------------------

Only 27 days till the rally. If you have NOT checked in with Sonam please do so soon.

For food planning we need an exact count of attendees. And your T-shirt size if you would like a one.
Room for one more? Thinking about making the drive down there with the family. I see that last spot (78) is wheelchair accessible, maybe I should grab site 101 instead?
Hi Stan- Room for one more? Just found out my son has school out the 28th and I would like to come along.

Site 78 in Loop 68-100 is still available. The Reserve America map shows this site much closer to the bathroom than it actually is (about 20 feet) and separated by a large bush.

If you decide not to reserve this one, We have 6 sites that hold 2 vehicles each. so we should be able to accommodate you in one of them.

Stan is attending the Overland Rally on the East Coast - returning on the 12th. His email auto-reply says he may not be able to reply to all his messages before then.

Email him anyway at stan@fourwh.com.
Well shoot. Can't reserve Site 78 without a DMV disabled placard, and Reserve America shows all the other sites as full. I'll email Stan.
Thanks Carl, I did not know that fact. I thought no one reserved it because of the location.

There is one open spot on the "101-149" loop. I wonder if that one too has the same DMV restriction ?
All sites seem to be full.

: (

Is there anyone attending that would like to share their campsite with another FWC owner (and they can split the cost with you?)

I think we can park 2 cars (trucks) in each campsite.

I'm 99% sure we will have room in one of the spots I reserved, but I can't say for sure, as I don't know if Tom or Robert will be using a campsite and joining us for the weekend. More information to follow . . .

Hi I have site 86 reserved and I will be solo, so I'll have an extra spot if it's ok to park 2 campers there.
This is the first SoCal rally I'll miss since purchasing my FWC. I'll miss you guys. I'll make a special trip down to one sooner or later - if for no other reason than to bring the 'apple pie.'

Have fun my friends!
Me too, my first grandchild is due this week so I need to keep my priorities straight

Sent from my SM-G930V using Wander The West mobile app
Just gave back site sm089 . Can't make it this year . hope someone can jump on the site and have a great time !
takingatrip1 said:
Just gave back site sm089 . Can't make it this year . hope someone can jump on the site and have a great time !
Dang, I was on ReserveAmerica within 10mins of this post, but someone apparently beat me to it!
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