Building Our New Camper

Mr Sage, We use a 100 W panel from AM Solar in Oregon -

100W Panel

It is a nice combination of size, efficiency, and weight. I also got a Blue Sky mppt charge controller.


This is same panel we had on our first camper. This system with the diehard deepcycle battery proved itself keeping up with our energy needs.
AM Solar gets good reviews for their components, service and expertise.

We're going with a 90 watt panel and two group 24s. For as light as our load is, that should be sufficient. I'll probably drag a small generator with us for the longer trips. Belt and suspenders approach.
billharr said:
Are you going to put bins in them?
The Lady has a light milk crate that holds misc. kitchen items along with towels. That goes under the stove. Our toiletries bag goes under the sink along with misc. items in a canvas bag.

By the way Bill, you'll have to help with a video walk around. I don't know a thing about video.
Did further testing of the thermostat today. Worked fine. Also tested the solar system. It is charging but did not have enough sun to fully charge the battery. Will find a full sun spot over the weekend. Finish coats of polyurethane are going on the trim.
ski3pin said:
Did further testing of the thermostat today. Worked fine. Also tested the solar system. It is charging but did not have enough sun to fully charge the battery. Will find a full sun spot over the weekend. Finish coats of polyurethane are going on the trim.
And when is the shakedown cruise? Sounds like you're almost there!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
And when is the shakedown cruise? Sounds like you're almost there!
Good question on that one. Probably fairly soon. I do know where the Lady wants to go. The clues are out there................................ :)
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Ski, what battery isolator did Marty put in for you?
Frank, my SurePower separator is wired in under the hood near the truck battery. Same one I've had.
ski3pin said:
Frank, my SurePower separator is wired in under the hood near the truck battery. Same one I've had.
With the problems SurePower has had ,that is a good place to put it.
I wouldn't feel comfortable with it inside the battery box,in the camper.
Here we go! Almost, almost finished, there's just a couple of little items to take care of..................
it is always like that so I'm just going to declare it completed, finished, 'nough said. It is time to get this great camper out into the wild. :)

After work yesterday I installed all the finished cabinet face frames. The Lady and I had our afternoon cup of Peets sitting in wonder in our new home away from home. The Lady said it seemed like a long time. I pointed out the real dates. "What was it, about the middle of October that we made the decision about getting a new camper? Now it is December 12th and were sitting in our completed new camper. That is, I think, a pretty incredible time frame." The Lady agreed, but I could tell in her eyes, no matter how much fun we had with this project she would much rather be out on an adventure.










With further testing the thermostat is working fine. The igniter on the SMEV stove was a bit balky on working. The new stove has a cover around the bottom of the stove, not near as user friendly to us who want to jump in, figure things out, and fix it. The igniter has been working flawlessly the last couple of days without my need to gut it. Maybe it has resolved itself. That doesn't happen often, but just maybe this time.

The last couple items are to try a new valve on the water tank drain and install the Wave 3 heater. I have a neat idea for the Wave 3 and excited to get on with that. The Lady says, "The furnace is working fine, where do you want to go!!!!"

We are planning a little christening ceremony on Sunday. Bubbly may be involved but I don't think anyone is banging this new camper with a bottle. :)
Oh, one more little thing - we decided to dress it up just a bit. We decided to have ATC make three 2" thick matching cushions, one for the top of each storage bin - our seats. I don't take this as an indication we are getting soft as we age. Nope, no way. :)
Really fast build, and looks great. I like how everyone makes their campers just a little different so it works for how they like to camp. Hope this spring I can get a close look at your camper after mine is done. Cut a big hole in the side this morning for the DC refrigerator vent. Wish I had that small front window, I may block part of mine with the cabinet.

Well Ski looks great.I have always liked your lower drawers but I don't want to give up any space up front to have ones that slide out.The stock slider works for us.If I had drawers like yours I couldn't use the storage unit I have where you have the fridge.
Can't wait to see it out and about.
Nice job, Ski. Looks great! Have fun on the first outing. Maybe you can splash it with bubbly without breaking the bottle on it. :) :LOL:
Hey there Mr '3pin,

That really looks nice! I agree about the cushions. We're not getting older and softer, just wiser. I think you've done a superb job making this the way you want it.

Since I saw that you drink Peet's, I'll share one of my Peet's stories. When Peet sold the business, he moved to Ashland, Oregon. When Ashland got its Peet's franchise, he went in for a cup and to check it out. One of the baristas was telling him about the quality of the coffee, and how good it was, when the old gent politely informed her, "My dear, I am Peet." My other Peet's story is off color, so that will have to wait until we bump into one another out in the boonies.

Congrats again on the fine job, enjoy the bubbly, and give us a trip report.
I can't wait until we see our rigs pass each other. Maybe this rig I'll get to see in person? I hope.
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