Engel refrigerators and solar systems.

If everything isn't run thru the controller, what good is my remote battery meter? I guess that is why I was running all loads thru the controller so the meter would tell exactly what is going on.
If everything isn't run thru the controller, what good is my remote battery meter? I guess that is why I was running all loads thru the controller so the meter would tell exactly what is going on.

Your remote meter isn't just a battery meter. It is a meter that shows what is going on with your solar controler. It will show you:

1) what your solar panel is doing (voltage being produced)

2) what your battery is doing (batery voltage, battery amp hours, min battery voltage, max battery voltage, battery watts)

3) what your "Load" is doing (load state, load amp hours, load curent)

4) temperature at the meter, temperature at the battery

5) diagnostics and troubleshooting

Without your remote meter you'd basically be blind......and would have no idea what your solar system was doing.

Your accessories should all be wired through your Iota distibution box. Attached are a few pictures of the Iota unit with two small cover plates removed. You can see that there is already a complete fuse panel including 120 v breakers for major 120 systems as well as small fuses for the 12 volt systems.

I have no idea why someone would splice into the wiring after the Iota and add a fuse box etc. Are you quite certain that the accessories aren't wired through the Iota distribution panel AND the additional fuse box?

Do you know who owned the camper before you and did the additional wiring? If so, it would be worth a call to ask about the additional wiring.

You might have to do some leg work to track him down but it would be worth it in the end. You have a chance to set things straight now.

If that isn't possible....I think I would simply install the solar system as it shoud be and worry about straightening out the other stuff later.

It is simple to install the solar controller and do the needed wiring. Only six wires to worry about....two from panel to controller....two to battery....and two to load for dc fridge. That's it! Just do that wiring for now.


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My stuff (IOTA and fuses) look totally different and are in a different place, so that leads me to believe my wiring might be a bit different.

I am going to try it the way I'm thinking, (which I think is right, but I can't explain it well), and see how it goes.

I took a few pics. will post them in a bit.

I will take a good look at it again tomorrow and see........

You have been great at helping me. Now, can you fly down to Florida and get this put on ??
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