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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Early Wednesday morning we had a thunderstorm pass right over. There were several close by lightning strikes and big splats of raindrops. Showers came and went throughout the day. Dinner time brought more excitement from the sky with another round of thunder and lightning. We fell asleep with all the windows in the house open as rain and wind and the smell of storm worked their magic outside. The Lady said it felt like we were camping.

Thursday morning dawned with still overcast skies. I was surprised, almost shocked, when I walked out the front door and was greeted with this.


Half of the leaves on the aspen had started their turn to yellow.


It had happened that quickly. The leaves on the mountain spirea underneath are also turning as is the apple tree around the corner. Fall, can fall be showing up already?
Absolutely ski3pin, fall is definitely in the air. Leaves are changing here at a fast pace but the temps also are a harsh reminder that summer is coming to a close. Tuesday and Wednesday morning temps. were 27 and 29 respectively! The bears are sensing it as well as we seem to have every other night encounters with the wily Bruins.

Skiing will be here before we know it, but this is still my favorite time of year for road cycling and still some great fly fishing. Enjoy!

Good Camping,


Agreed! We went here from the high 90's and thick smoke seemingly overnight to the mid 80's and the high 30's at night-I mean blanket at night. It's been overcast on and off all day for most of the week, with the smell of rain in the air. Had to put on a long pants and a shirt-not "t" shirt on my morning dog walk-yet the days seem a little still to hot for Fall! It sort of reminds me of what we used to call Tahoe weather-cool nights, warm days with a chance of thunder showers. Some of the leaves are turning color but does it seem to you guys that this is a "tad" early for fall? :rolleyes: Got to north to Washington State next week for a family thing up near Chinook Pass on the Wenatchee NF-anyone know much about that country? Unlike here, my sister tells me that they almost have to much water up there and even some places still have snow-like they got our water and we got lot's of fires instead! Never been in that country before so I guess i'll get to see Fall in a new place (the Cascades)-can't bitch about that, it's always good to see and feel new places, but it will be nice to get back and see Fall in the Sierra/Great Basin interface!

Wednesday morning thunder storm here on Monterey Bay was soooo cool.On our early morning walk it was the usual high cloud overcast,but above that out of sight was the storm front.Our whole 1 1/2 hour walk was a natural music of thunder.No rain ,just some drops now and then.We don't get much weather like that so when it comes our way it is a treat.
We are off on Sunday toward Yellowstone and east to northern Minnesota.We should hit some nice color.I just love the Montana,Wyoming area when the color hits.Haven't been to Minnesota so that color will be a nice treat.
Colors here are changing also.My Bonsai trees are starting to show some nice color.I have to create my own forest of color here as most of our trees and bushes stay green year round.Which is also nice
Have a nice fall.
Thanks for the map info.I think by the time we get there on the 17th we should hit some nice color.We are meeting friends who live in Winona than heading north.Looking forward to this trip.Keep an eye our for us.02 Tundra AC cab garnet red with a Bobcat and canoe.
Hmmm...I think it's too early for fall. You photoshopped those leaves, didn't you, ski3pin? :oops:
For one thing, I won't be ready for a big eastern-Sierra trip for about a month... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the map info.I think by the time we get there on the 17th we should hit some nice color.We are meeting friends who live in Winona than heading north.Looking forward to this trip.Keep an eye our for us.02 Tundra AC cab garnet red with a Bobcat and canoe.

Have a great trip Frank. We were in Yellowstone with our Tundar last October in the snow. Then to Austin MN. You may be a little early for color in southern MN up north may be better. Have fun.

Bill in STockton
Wednesday morning thunder storm here on Monterey Bay was soooo cool.On our early morning walk it was the usual high cloud overcast,but above that out of sight was the storm front.Our whole 1 1/2 hour walk was a natural music of thunder.No rain ,just some drops now and then.We don't get much weather like that so when it comes our way it is a treat.
We are off on Sunday toward Yellowstone and east to northern Minnesota.We should hit some nice color.I just love the Montana,Wyoming area when the color hits.Haven't been to Minnesota so that color will be a nice treat.
Colors here are changing also.My Bonsai trees are starting to show some nice color.I have to create my own forest of color here as most of our trees and bushes stay green year round.Which is also nice
Have a nice fall.

Sound like a great trip, Frank. Be sure to keep us posted.
The trees are definitely turning above 10K in many areas in CO.


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Leaves are dropping in New England too. But don't come east to see the color - not unless you have a time machine. We used to be getting our first frost about this time but these days it does not come until mid October after all the leaves are down. It is the frost that puts color in the leaves.
If it's fall (even though it isn't yet) it must be...
Not for me personally...but for local male deer.
This evening about dusk, I drove to the grocery store, and a mile from my house a small buck walked out in the road in front of me, followed by a big 4-point (that is, 4 on each side).
Now, there are does and fawns in my yard all the time, but these fellows are rarely seen in town except in the fall.
On my way back home from the store I saw that the bucks had crossed the road and were grazing on the lawn of the local TV station, and one more buck had joined them, one with a weird asymmetrical rack: 4 normal points on one side and a short, twisted mutant set on the other. These normally hidden guys were just hanging out in plain sight, as if to say, "The boys are back in town, check us out, ladies!
They might also being moving into town for the start of hunting season. Here they move into the suburbs. :)

So...safety or sex? Why not both? Sounds good to me... ;)
The high temperature today at my place in Bend was just 55°F.

And yet, it was sunny all day...now that's undeniably fall!
The last day with a "high" this low (at my place) was June 5, when it topped out at 54°.
It has been 95+ every day since we have been back from Alaska, over a week now. We are so ready for Fall. Please send those cool temps our way.
It has been 95+ every day since we have been back from Alaska, over a week now. We are so ready for Fall. Please send those cool temps our way.

I'll be heading south in a few days, and I'll try to bring some coolness with me --
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