
Finally cooling off here. I'm all ready to take off for the weekend, check out my new fridge, try out the awning, hit something with the bumper, then today they post a new schedule. I'm working Sunday. I really need to look for another job.
Got our first snow here in Minnesota- over 12 inches in the northwest part of the state. I guess fall is here- and maybe gone already. :oops:
It may have been fall when I left on my eastern Sierra trip two weeks ago...but it feels like I returned to Bend in winter.

Yesterday we had our first snow in Bend that stuck (it melted later) and a skiff fell last night.
But no complaints.
It may have been fall when I left on my eastern Sierra trip two weeks ago...but it feels like I returned to Bend in winter.

Yesterday we had our first snow in Bend that stuck (it melted later) and a skiff fell last night.
But no complaints.

.....and I am looking outside at snow also.
.....and I am looking outside at snow also.

Trick or treat!

Yep, I was sitting over on the coast, enjoying the fall----and it was gone-cold and rain with gale warnings! Headed over to the central valley (Black Butte Res.) for a quick two days to listen to the Giants clinch the NL and watch the tremp drop along with lot's of rain-but no leaves! Soooo-I headed up I-5 and on to Red Bluff and over to Susanville; lot's of snow with lot's of yellow leaved aspen trees sticking out of the snow-sort of an unusual site:eek:! When I left here it was only sort of changing to Fall, what is this- a one week Fall and sort of like the one week spring we had this year. So here I sit back home all cold and with snow falling. Just had to go out and shut off my sprinkler system before it freezes! The news from Reno said it was 15 degrees below what it should be right now! I was planning a quick stop here then out to Nevada to enjoy the Fall and it looks like now I may have to force myself to watch the World Series here instead of out there while also watching the Fall colors. No climate change here! Will try to post some photos of my short trip, is it warm anywhere?

Rising temperature in the wee hours of the morning with falling pressure indicates a front moving in...


But with those temperatures it's definitely a fall storm -- not a winter storm (for Bend, OR).
We pulled back from winter and got back into fall temperatures in Bend...but a big transition towards winter is in store for us at the end of the week. High of 38° forecast for Saturday!

Once again it's summer here in Monterey.Yeh no climate here,HA,HA.Should change next couple days.About 80ish yesterday and today,may be even tomorrow.Than down to the 50s end of the week.I can take it not complaining,considering what the folks went and are again going through back east.Wow they just can't get a break.
Well enjoy whatever you have for weather because it will change soon to something else.
But it would have been nice to have a little longer fall.
Weather was so nice, mild, in Bend today -- high of 67°, that I opened up windows in my house for several hours... In November! :eek:
Well my order of almond firewood arrived monday,hoping this might urge the weather gods to start the rain machine.
Another nice day here today.Hot and sunny.We do get nice days during"native american summer"but this is a bit much.
It's been way too warm for November here in the Sacramentos. That will change soon. We should get into the teens tomorrow and Sunday night. It's been way too dry, too. It looks like some of your precip is heading our way, but it doesn't look like it will amount to a lot. Keeping my fingers crossed for a little snow.
More like winter here:mad:! Went from the above ave. low 70's and high 60's to snow, cold winds and below ave. temps. It's supposed to hit 14 degrees tonight-been out checking the outside water pipes! Everyone has been pulling in the deck furniture, putting away the hoses and those usual signs of winterizing the place. Cold miserable morning, with a very cold wind, had to shovel off the sidewalk and clean off the snow from the windshield-several inches of snow, but hope there is allot more in high country! Sure am glad didn't go up to the lake and take that nice fall camping trip I had planned too, not yet quite ready to put up the arctic blanket in the camper. If we didn't need the snow so bad here, i'd wish for summer. Seems like the older I get the more I don't like the cold, but I'm not ready to move to Arizona yet-just need to slowly gear up for winter and nor just jump in. Need to go to the post office-maybe I'll wait, it's supposed to warm up(?) again in a few days-ain't retirement grand:LOL:!

Our weather is turning here a bit. Temps are forecast to drop 40 degrees over the next 24 hours. :oops: Snow will stay to the north though. That is not really good news because we need the moisture. We are in a fairly serious drought situation and the authorities in some locations are talking about the need to ration water by spring if we don't get some good moisture yet this fall. Hopefully we will get some rain out of this system if not snow.
Looks like a big slug of moisture -- or at least, moist clouds -- for northern/central California this morning:

Yeah, I'm wondering what that is going to do to the coast road from SF to Oregon. We are traveling that way in a couple of weeks. Hopefully the road doesn't' get washed out. :oops: Also wondering about Hwy 50 across Nevada- will it get some good snow out of this system or it going north of there?
Looks like a big slug of moisture -- or at least, moist clouds -- for northern/central California this morning:


Confirming it is a serious slug of warm moisture here with high snow levels. It is raining.
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