Fantastic Fan variable speed control

Thanks to photohc for first suggesting this modification to the Fantastic Fan.

I just completed the project. I used this PWM controller from eBay

eBay Link

In use it has none of the noise issues previously discussed. The controller has four marked wire attachment screws labeled Power +, Power -, Motor +, Motor -. This made figuring out the wiring easy. Prior to install I checked the fan rotation direction for out, our main usage. The main wires in the fan are white and black. I used white as ground and black as + and that gave the proper fan rotation.

I used a 9/32 drill in my drill press for a hole for the switch.


The switch housing had a small keeper tab so the housing will not turn. I drilled a blind 9/64 hole for the tab.


I used hot melt glue to secure the controller in place.


I removed the original 3 speed switch and sealed the hole on the inside. I was surprised the fan turns slowly with the knob turned all the way over, what I would think of as off. I now use the in/out rocker switch in the middle (in between) position as "off". To use I push the switch to "out" and increase the fan speed to where I want it with the new rotating knob. The same applies to the "In" position on the rocker switch. As I said, when I rotate the speed switch the opposite direction it almost, but not quite stops the fan.

I will report back after this has gotten a real field workout.
Nice job Ski, this is one of the best low cost modifications I have done. Big thank your to Harv for the details.
Great job. It's definitely a nice addition.

FWIW - The reason it doesn't completely stop rotating is because the duty cycle for the controller you have is 10 to 100%. The controller would have to be 0 to 100% for it to be able to stop.
EDR said:

FWIW - The reason it doesn't completely stop rotating is because the duty cycle for the controller you have is 10 to 100%. The controller would have to be 0 to 100% for it to be able to stop.
Thanks for the explanation. :)
Just did the mod with this:

Works fine. Drilled a hole for the reverse switch.
There is a green LED that is light when it has power to the system. Annoying, but pulling the fuse that came with the fan turns it off until I need to use the unit.

My fan does make a slight grinding noise when moving in one direction both with the motor and turning it by hand. Not sure on the cause yet.
ski3pin said:
I will report back after this has gotten a real field workout.
Two trips now with this modification to the fan. We are pleased. We find we use a fan speed far below the first (lowest) on the original three speed switch. This is adequate to exhaust steam from the boiling pan in the morning. Only issue is that, at this speed, it is so quiet we forget to turn off the fan.
ski3pin said:
Two trips now with this modification to the fan. We are pleased. We find we use a fan speed far below the first (lowest) on the original three speed switch. This is adequate to exhaust steam from the boiling pan in the morning. Only issue is that, at this speed, it is so quiet we forget to turn off the fan.
Checklist time... ;)
Thanks for posting these links,i happened to see Bills version in Truck Camper Magazine this morning. I am going to install two of Fantastic Fans in my Alaskan rebuild and figure I would mod them first, I had forgotten about this thread until today.
I ordered up two of the ones that Ski3pin linked to, only 13khz, but for $12 for the two I will try them.
Ps I voted for both the WTW members in the TCM contest
I completed the mod this evening. Thanks to all those that posted how they did it! I bought the same PWM controller that Ski linked to. Can't believe the thing was only $6.15 + $1.00 shipping all the way from China. No additional costs incurred other than a little time, since I already had wire and connections on hand.

I completely removed the existing 3 speed controller (as Ski did) in order to have one less control to think about. The rocker in/out switch is used for the off switch in the middle position.

The only issue I had was that the PWM only works in the out position. When set to blow in, it does so at max big deal, since I only use the fan in the "out" position.
Great mod!

Anyone who is starting out from scratch might want to look at the MAXXFAN. It's much nicer overall that the Fantastic Fan.
An update -

Our speed controller failed on our last trip. First hint of a problem was no lower speeds available, then death shortly thereafter. I'll be replacing with the second controller (it came as a set of two) so I'll have a functioning fan asap. I'm curious if others can give a longer term update on how this modification is working? Thanks.
Ski- I used two of the ones very similar to yours, they work great. I leave them running on low for hours, yours are a couple years old, did they have lots of time on them??
They are cheap enough, but I don't want to have to bother replacing them all the time
Ripperj said:
Ski- I used two of the ones very similar to yours, they work great. I leave them running on low for hours, yours are a couple years old, did they have lots of time on them??
They are cheap enough, but I don't want to have to bother replacing them all the time
I would not consider it a lot of time on it, but it has been used. I'll look over the controller when I install the replacement and note if there is anything obvious that might point to the failure.
Thx for the reply, I'm going to run mine like I have been and see how they last, I'm surprised that these fans don't have these speed controls OEM. The stock ones are too loud, waste too much power on low and move too much air on low. The issue is probably what you saw, cheap enough and reliable. After having my two fans in service for a while now with the D.C. Drives, I would certainly pay a premium for a OEM version with a warranty
Well I bought the above gizmos...2 to be sure at that price (how do 'they' do that?). so delivered for $13.
I read and re-read the thread and I am "challenged' electrically but this is such a great mod... I have done solar panels install so this I should be able to do but then again I am 63 with a geezer pass.

One question is why drill a hole for the new knob? (I know I must have missed something in the reread) but can't just take out the 3 position knob unit and glue in the unit there? This is something I have wanted to do since the day I turned that fan on.... nuts... why not a dial? $6!.... a nice steady slow air flow makes sleeping easy.

will no doubt re read the thread again and get my wires right. Thanks for this mod.... it almost is in the thread "Best mods for under $5!

Forgot to ask so I Edit-add..... from left to right in borrowed photo .. wires are from/to? (red black red black)


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I didn't use the existing knob hole because the fuse assembly is right next to it so no room for the pwm controller there (perhaps the wires on yours are able to reach that far?

The red/black are power in ( + -) and then power out to the fan motor (+ -)
The pwm controller should have it labeled power + - and motor + -.
Does your PWM speed control actually turn everything all the way off when you turn it down? Mine don't - there is both an LED on the controller board, and it is still providing some power to the fan, just not enough to move it. So I wired the speed controller AFTER the original knob, so when you turn the original knob to '0' you can be sure the power is totally off. If yours really turns all the way off you could remove the original knob.
rando said:
Does your PWM speed control actually turn everything all the way off when you turn it down? Mine don't - there is both an LED on the controller board, and it is still providing some power to the fan, just not enough to move it. So I wired the speed controller AFTER the original knob, so when you turn the original knob to '0' you can be sure the power is totally off. If yours really turns all the way off you could remove the original knob.
Ours powers down to 5%. We use the reverse/forward switch rocker switch in the middle position to stop the fan. Does that cut any small power draw?

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