Found myself in a bad situation today

Having assisted patents well into their 90's and 100+, I can say with some confidence that there are a lot worse things than dying alone doing what you love. Take water, Benadryl and Spot if you remember them. But go. If you are getting too old for it that is an even better reason to go.
The really stupid move would have been to stay home.
You hit it on the head with this one! I've spent most of my working life (and vacations) in the back country with the BLM by myself of with a team; but I always had a radio and a time I had to be back by or they would send out a team to find me (or the local bar where i had my after work drink or my girl friend); but I had someone who knew where i was going and when I was due back. I used to stay out for a week at a time sometimes, but I carried all the right gear, (food, first aid kits, water etc,.) and had lot's of training (military, BLM, Life) to keep alive if something went wrong. Now Im retired, have high blood pressure and other old people problems, and still spend my allot of my time trying to do the same things-but with no BLM or girl friend back up. I think this is why I got my Grandby (just added solar panels and they really work) when I retired-if i break down out there or get stuck-I can have an iced vodka and cranberry Juice while i wait for someone to drive by or notices i have not payed my phone bill or not made my Sunday call to my parents.. I carry all the right stuff with me on my adventurers and try and tell someone my trip plan; but still its just me and the dog and with no cell phone connections in most of the areas i go, its up to me to keep myself alive if i break my leg and it scares the crap out of me! But you just can't sit home and worry about it. Last spring I was camping in the snow up at Eagle Lake and got sick from something i ate-took two days to get well enough to drive out, but i phoned a friend (my usual back up) and if worse case happened he would have rescued me-but supposed i was in the middle of nowhere with no phone contact-well hopefully i can keep alive till till someone realizes i'm not home. I think that is why I read this blog/internet site some much to find out what's going on out there and how fix things if I break down. Something I do before I head into the wilderness is I always find a camp somewhere close to traveled routes to camp for a day or so, so I can check and make sure everything works and I have not forgotten anything before i head off into parts unknown and I don't take chances-if it looks to rough or doesn't look right-i don't go unless i have a back up plan-less fun but I'll live to take the next trip! Maybe I need a sat. phone-anyone have any advice on how they work and how dependable they are? Anyway those are my thoughts!

WOW DD!!!! Glad you made it out OK. You are much younger than me and have many more years for this nonsense!!!! :D

GET YOURSELF A SPOT!!!! For $150 investment and $108 per year that includes $100,000 worth of Search and Rescue Insurance it can not be beat!! I have carried one for 3 years and it has never failed to send a msg home. I also carry a PLB as I bought it before the SPOT came out. No way in Hell can it be called HYPE!!!!

How self reliant can one think they can be laying on a trail with a broken femur sticking out through their thigh? RIGHT!!!! :oops:

Last Saturday I crashed my 650 trying to recon a high mountain lake that I wanted to take my camper to. Hit some loose shale on a steep grade. Hit hard on my right side. So hard it ripped the leatherman leather case from my belt, tore a chunk out of my shin and elbow!!! Yes, I was alone as usual. I have no friends my age that wants to do the crazy stuff I do.

Although bleeding pretty good nothing was broken. The bike would not re-start so I had to walk it back down off the mountain.

GET A SPOT!!!!!!! :cool:
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