Fox News

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
We are please to announce that Ms Farrah Foxett has at least two kits this year. We’ve been gone for three weeks and because of snow cover when we left, didn’t know if there were kits in the den. Tonight we watched her deliver a pocket gopher to the den, and two very well fed kits came out for dinner. :)
First I thought it was about the other Fox News and almost avoided the post. But got curious and was delighted to find the Fox news I've been interested in.

Wow that is great news! Now that is real TV to watch. Got a good location for a blind?
Ha! I had the same initial thoughts as Patrick!
I love her name and what a cool thing to see. Thanks!
More Fox News… the blind is up, the den is under the Sagebrush in line with with the big Pine to the right of the blind. But, we now have a dilemma… story to follow.

We have discovered a second active den, the one used last year, with at least five kits. That makes eight kits. Which one do we choose to photograph?
Two blinds and flip a coin. Congratulations on two dens. Must be a siblings from last year that it is allowed to be so close apart. Interested on how they are tolerating each other.

Sure it might be one family and parents moving kits to different den sites?
pvstoy said:
Two blinds and flip a coin. Congratulations on two dens. Must be a siblings from last year that it is allowed to be so close apart. Interested on how they are tolerating each other.

Sure it might be one family and parents moving kits to different den sites?
Patrick, it’s too early to be certain, but I’m of the opinion we have two litters. I’ve heard of two vixens sharing the same den site.

Regardless, it’s pretty dang neat having eight (possibly more) kits to watch. Far better than television.
Today I got the first good photos of the Kits. They are starting to be active, and we are enjoying the circus...

I think I have finally figured out what is going on with this litter. It appears that Farrah Foxett, our sweet little vixen, has split the litter between three dens. We are seeing a few kits around each of the dens, and they move between them at will.

Fox plurals: A skulk or a leash is a group of adult foxes. An earth of foxes is a vixen with kits in the den.

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