Goblin Valley Rock pushed over!

The jerk said he did it to protect others from the potential falling-rock hazard.
Total a-hole, IMHO...
Smokecreek1 said:
....................................... except they may make the Darwin List this year!

It breaks my heart we share the planet with these vermin. Let's see where prosecution goes. Most of the time crimes like this get pushed to the side because of more "important" crimes limited staff has to work. A slap on the wrist and a couple of hours of community service is not enough. Give them to us. We will be fair and appropriate.
It goes against my hardcore redneck reactionary core to say this, but sometimes I think the liberals may be correct. It seems that sometimes people are too stupid for their own good. It makes me ashamed to be of the same species.
People do this kind of thing all the time and call it trundling, I beleive. Several years ago they murdered(IMHO) a climber outside of Lander WY doing similar acts.
I saw this earlier today and watched on the news tonight as they claimed they were doing it for safety reasons. I lean towards what Winks is saying - I have little hope for the human race. We are dumbing down as a species and will destroy ourselves. Not in our lifetime, but it will happen. Hopefully the cockroaches, dolphins, or whatever will do better.
Ted said:
I saw this earlier today and watched on the news tonight as they claimed they were doing it for safety reasons. I lean towards what Winks is saying - I have little hope for the human race. We are dumbing down as a species and will destroy ourselves. Not in our lifetime, but it will happen. Hopefully the cockroaches, dolphins, or whatever will do better.
I keep telling everyone "US ALIENS"will be waiting to pick up the pieces.
Some people are real idiots!
I hope these guys are punished to the full degree of the law. Glad it isn't my judgement they would face.
Total turds. Star Chamber candidates.
highz said:
This whole story really bothered me highz, and over the years we have had several threads talking about people like this, stupid, stupid people-but there are some people out there that makes me want to agree with some of the above posts concerning the future of mankind. I could have mentioned this story before, but we had a little campground out in the boonies, and anyone who was ever there said the same thing"what a nice little cg this is". It was a couple a miles from 395 and a traveler could find refuge for the night, it was lightly used, except at hunting season or by the locals, BLM, ranchers etc,; it had shade or sun, nice trees- a creek, even a horse coral, , a restroom, some tables and grills-all the usual things, plus something rare in our high desert country, good cold water. Well one day, we got a report about some vandalism out there, so off we went. Some one had used alot of ap ammo to destroy the well head- I mean, it's a heavy metal plate that covered the well. Now unless some survival types just happened to wander by with a load of ap ammo looking for something to destoy, you had to think about doing this, & hunters do not carry ap ammo, and we never caught those that did this. The wellhead was destroyed and lot's of bad things go into the well, and the water was now bad and due to the costs involved we never reaired it and now there is one less place to find good water. Are the rock rollers "trundlers or what ever they are called??" worse than these people? Or were these people just evel-that so called 10% you can never train and like Ski says, maybe they need to let us take care of them! One thing I don't miss about my job is dealing with these things, but it sure seems that more not less of these types of things keep happening out in our beloved back country.

i have a great job of working in the parks in and around Tahoe City.I find it very sad and amazing what people will do to the parks. i find nothing really catches me by surprise and that is really sad. :mad: In this video,I was looking for their 24 pack of the good stuff, and i don't mean Pliny the Elder.
Unfortunately the attitude dipslayed by these 3 dopes is not uncommon in Utah. I say that as a 4th generation Utahan. And yeah, I can pretty much gaurantee these guys were'nt drinking. I had some hope that all the outrage since their little video went viral would help bust the bubble that exists over large swaths of this state. Outside the bubble there are people, a whole lot of people, who consider the backcountry something to be valued as it is, untouched. Sacred for some.

But no, just whining and patronizing BS. You may find some satisfaction from most of the 900 plus comments to the article.

There is something to keep an eye on in this sorryass story if you care about the backcountry and public lands in the west, There is a significant effort in the Utah state legislature, backed by much of the congressional delegation, to have federal land turned over to the state. Major ratioanale being the state would be better managers. Well this little event happened in a state park and whether the state/county busts these morons or lets them skate, it will give a pretty good indication of what the states concept of management would be.

This a pretty cool, low key forum and I don't like to drop politics on you all, and maybe the moderators won't like it either, but we need to pay attention.
I saw on the news tonight that the jerk doing the pushing has a disability lawsuit pending. This video probably will not help his case. Then again it could be a metal disability.
I hope they're punished but death threats are hardly the way to go. Amazing they can't quite seem to grasp that they did anything wrong.
"US Prosecutors have filed felony charges against two ex-scout leaders who toppled over an ancient rock formation at a state park last year. Dave Hall filmed Glenn Taylor pushing over the 170 million-year-old sandstone rock in Utah's Goblin Valley State Park in October and celebrating.
Mr Taylor, 45, was charged with criminal mischief and Mr Hall, 42, with aiding criminal mischief.
The men said the rock was in danger of falling and hurting someone.
If convicted, the men face up to five years in prison and a $5,000 (£3,042) in fines."


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