Happy Spring

Looks like the whole West Coast -- from B.C. to B.C. -- has a low marine layer of clouds invading the land.

Hey, they are saying an up to 40% chance here for wind, rain, thunder storms and even snow from mid week on-can we hope? Knowing how things have been going of late we'll just have a lightning fire with no moisture!

Smokecreek1 said:
Hey, they are saying an up to 40% chance here for wind, rain, thunder storms and even snow from mid week on-can we hope? Knowing how things have been going of late we'll just have a lightning fire with no moisture!

Yup, lots of thunderstorm build over last weekend. Most of it moved over the northern end of the Sweetwaters and the Pine Nut Mountains. As Mr. Smoke says, chance of storms building all week.
I doubt that we'll get much moisture, but it's definitely cooling down in Bend over the next few days..
It was up in the upper 70s today -- shorts and sandals weather -- but this evening it's cooling off rapidly as some arctic air moves in. Not winter-type arctic, but 20 degrees cooler daytime.

Friend up at Eagle Lake just took off his M/S and it rained-now's he's talking about putting away his snow boots-sooooo if 2+2=rain will 3+3= snow like the weather report says :unsure: ? Any bets ;) !

We put the awning up on the deck and pulled the snow tires off the Lady's car and it snowed here enough to run the snowblower for the first time this winter. Put on yer shorts Mr. Smoke along with a Hawaiian shirt and flip flops. Sit out on your front porch with a mint julep and make it snow!
Early season-ending of Oregon's biggest ski area is a very minor "hardship" compared to other impacts of the snow-drought, but it's indicative:

Mt. Bachelor closing is earliest in nearly 40 years

The maximum snow depth at Bachelor this snow-year -- 53 inches -- is the lowest in their recorded history.

When I moved to Bend in the late '70s, Bachelor ended its season when forced to by lack of snow -- and sometimes that was 4th of July! But in modern times the administration is more driven by economics and they close down when customers drop below a certain minimum -- usually Memorial Day. By then most people are doing all the warm-season activities that central Oregon offers.

Due to the lack of snow at Mt. B, is another minor -- but still significant -- "hardship":

No nordic ski in the Pole Pedal Paddle

Bend's "iconic" multi-sport race event -- downhill ski, xc-ski, cycling, paddling, running -- has been an annual event since 1977, and this is the first year that the Nordic ski leg has been cancelled. Apparently there's still enough snow on the downhill slopes to support that leg of this race.

This could have a big impact on who wins. Most people do this race as a relay team (which I've done several times -- long ago), but some do it solo (which I did when I was young-and-fit). The solo winners are most-frequently national-level -- sometimes Olympic -- Nordic racers, because that event shows the biggest advantage of elite-level athletes. (cycling could be the same, except that the course runs from Mt. B to Bend -- 3000 feet downhill -- so gravity helps the less-elite)
Forecast for Bend was chance of showers, possibly thunderstorm...but right now it's graupel-ing! :eek:
I'm sure it's graupel, not hail... 43°F.
4am this morning with the bedroom window open, a bright flash woke us up followed with a blast of thunder that rocked the house. And the big surprise - thundersnow. It has now turned to rain.
ski3pin said:
4am this morning with the bedroom window open, a bright flash woke us up followed with a blast of thunder that rocked the house. And the big surprise - thundersnow. It has now turned to rain.
Told you Ski,put awning up and take the snow tires off and ,SNOW.
Wow thundersnow.
We just had some strange stuff fall out of the sky onto the glass roof
of our sun room. I think it is called rain drops.
I should capture some and save them they are rare items.
A friend of mine who lives in Bridgeport, CA and works in Lee Vining (along US 395, east side of the Sierra Nevada) posted this shot on his FB page. I think this was taken yesterday.


PHOTO: Frank Leeds

He said "it snowed a solid foot" in Lee Vining yesterday, 6 inches in Bridgeport.
What an odd thing to see in May after such a snowless winter. :oops:
Light rain started yesterday evening and continued through the night. It is sure nice to smell rain. The forecast is continued unsettled weather. There has been a series of lows dropping out of Alaska and coming in from the north. I think winter might be here.
ski3pin said:
Light rain started yesterday evening and continued through the night. It is sure nice to smell rain. The forecast is continued unsettled weather. There has been a series of lows dropping out of Alaska and coming in from the north. I think winter might be here.

Ted said:
Seems like we have had more rain in May then we had in the previous three or four months. Too little too late, but it is a nice change.
Similar in Central Oregon.

It feels odd to have it cool and damp now -- when back in February there were warm and sunny days...
Took a 4 day trip up to Eagle Lake last week and just got back; it rained heavy, even hailed, had real high winds, one minute, sun the next! We even saw snow up on Fredonya Peak-seems like we had our winter in May. Any moisture is good, but talk is we will be in the 80's next week :unsure: ! What next :p ?

Drizzle and showers this p.m. again here in Bend, and I just heard thunder.

Lots of unstable moist air hereabouts... Temperature is currently 54°F.
Hard to be believe we had mid-60s and sun back in February -- on a few days, at least.


Now this just popped up on my cell phone:


From the "Emergency Alerts" function/app...which also broadcasts so-called "Amber Alerts".
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