Happy Spring

No rain in the valley but its been cloudy enough I've had to put the charger on the camper battery.
Kinda interesting/odd how the clear skies are sticking to Oregon and California this evening while the surrounding/adjacent states of WA, ID and NV are cloudy:


Seems to be following state lines even where there are no corresponding geographic features. :oops:

Well...it looks that way if you squint...
Spring is in the air...
And on my car. Phone-cam shot this afternoon:

Pollen_20150526--1.JPG Pollen_20150526--2.JPG
Most-likely Ponderosa Pine pollen.

And in my eyes... Last night one of my eyes was itchy, so naturally I rubbed it vigorously! :rolleyes:
Then I decided to wash it out. :cool:

Fortunately I'm not actually allergic to p pine or juniper (nor to much else), but when tiny spiky balls get in my eyes there's physical irritation nonetheless.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Be thankful we're not in Central Texas. From drought to underwater. Many people missing.
Yes, quite a devastating event. It is interesting to see a low pressure south of us spin rain over the Great Basin and hook into a huge plume of tropical moisture and hit Texas. As you say Mr. Sage, from one extreme to another.
Wow -- suddenly it's at the point where it's almost too warm to keep the windows open during the day.


Yeah, can't call it "hot"...but I'd rather not have it in the 80s in the house.
Yep. last week we got thunderstorms and hail at the lake and snow in the high country ; today we'll hit 86 with a chance to be in the 90's this weekend. One thing is nice though, we keep having chances for those after noon thunderstorms like we had when I was a younger lad :p !

Hey folks, speak now or forever hold your peace. At 9:38 a.m. PDT tomorrow (21 June) this crazy spring will end.
(assuming you consider the summer solstice the end of spring)
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