Have you tried to sell a FWC today?


Advanced Member
Jan 20, 2017
Los Gatos, CA
Back at the end of last year, I had gone to the Woodland, CA factory to see the floor models, specifically the Fleet since I had a '13 Tacoma V6. I realized before I had even gone that the possibility buying a brand new model was out of my price range due to my pending divorce and the high cost of an attorney. I could feel that the sales staff would have preferred I didn't buy used, but I explained my situation and they still spent quality time answering all my questions. I was quite lucky when I found exactly what I was looking for but had to drive a total of 2500 miles from the SF Bay Area to near Denver and back in 2 days. I stopped again on the way out at the factory and they set me up with my brackets to attach the camper once I got it. Again, outstanding service, and I even told the manager of the guy who helped me. I also made them a promise that I would from that day forward, help sell their campers to anyone I met. I have a few times already, but today was the best yet. I had forgot to lock down my top, went to workout and when I came out of the gym, the front part of the top was all the way up due to the struts. 2 separate guys had been waiting for me with a million questions, took pictures and checked out the ins and outs. They both were very interested, took down the website and were gonna seriously check into getting one. When I told them how hard it is to find the right used model, they said a new one was no problem for them. My point to this thread is that I think we probably all like to show off our rigs, but do any of us try hard to get someone to buy one? I was at the rally in Sonoma and I could tell people really loved to show off what they had and the mods they had done. We should because for every person that we can get to buy one means one more sale to keep the business thriving and the money to continue updating and innovating what they have to make them better. I hope you all do the same. It's how I found out about the company, from a co-worker who has had his Granby for 17 years. I liked it a long time ago and finally got my own. Please help others do the same.
Everywhere I go, people ask about them, etc. The people who have them love them. The people who don't have one, want one once they find out about them.

I started a topic a while back about why FWC/ATC have a 'cult like' following. It's because the product works, the customer service is great, etc.
I keep flyers that Rocky Mountain FWC gave me in the camper and pass them out to anyone who wants more info. I also started my build thread here on WTW and post pics and links on it often with hopes of influencing others.

Cant praise FWC build quality any more than I do in conversation.
No idea if anyone's ever purchased one after looking at mine but I'm sure I didn't dissuade anyone :)

I love the part where I go, "happy to pop the top" they go "oh don't go to any bother" and thirty seconds later they're checking out the inside.
"My point to this thread is that I think we probably all like to show off our rigs, but do any of us try hard to get someone to buy one?"

I personally dislike all the attention my FWC gets. I'm more than polite to people and happy enough to patiently answer their questions, but honestly I'd prefer my privacy. I recently sold my classic Camaro for mainly this reason.

Many people that come up and talk to me have already researched FWC online and are excited to finally see one in person. Others are drawn by the fact that it looks light and affordable. They are usually sticker shocked when they hear the price.

So no... I don't try to sell them.

Most people try to buy mine :) I've actually taken business cards from park rangers etc. that tell me to call them if I ever decide to sell.
The attention mine gets is a two sided sword.
If I'm busy setting up camp or breaking camp down ... or doing anything that requires my concentration, I don't like the draw of it.
Otherwise, it makes for an awesome way to meet others whom I might never have spoke to. Meeting people who are a pleasure to talk to adds to the good memories of travel.
I routinely hand out ATC business cards to people who show interest in my camper. Given how incredibly helpful and capable the ATC team is, it seems the least I can do in return.
As a follow up......I certainly don't mean you have to try to sell anyone if you do not want to. I respect people's privacy for sure. I may be more reluctant after a few years and people interrupting what I am doing to ask a bunch of questions who knows. But as a favor to FWC, I like to help them. Maybe someone who is a very talented engineer could some day come along, see the design, buy their first one and then come up with something none of us had thought of. Like what I was thinking about today resting in my Fleet. A whole roof covered with lightweight solar and still have vents and a rack somehow still. Like I said in an earlier post, 1000 watts anyone? Who would need to check their amps then, save for a overcast day? One part I really liked at the Sonoma rally was the brainstorming session amongst the staff and owners. What other company do you get to have that type of opportunity en masse? Maybe the old Saturn division? American companies could use some lessons from the FWC guys. I look forward to many rallies now.
I think this site is the biggest advertisement for FWC. Sure we come here to solve our issues, but it's a pretty common theme, that we all love our pop ups and we let it be known.

I normally take advertising decals off of everything I own, but I've kept the FWC stickers on my Hawk. I'm, proud of the company. I like the one on the back door best. I can politely end a conversation, by saying there is the website if you want to learn more :)
If you think people are interested in pop up campers in the West you should try going East of theMississippi!
We were at The Highlands State Park in VA and parked in a parking lot to go on a hike.
When we got back there were about half a dozen people all standing around our camper talking and pointing at various parts.. We weren't sure what was going on but it was the novelty of the rig that interested them. We had parked next to a full size hard sided TC and the contrast was stunning.
When we popped the top for them you could hear a collective "Wow!" From the audience.
It's just something that we have gotten used to...
smlobx said:
When we popped the top for them you could hear a collective "Wow!" From the audience.
It's just something that we have gotten used to...
I agree and it's all in good nature.

I might be a bit more sensitive to it because I have my FWC on full time and I travel to Jasper, Alberta a lot. Quite a few world travellers there, that have never seen anything like it.
We have had ours 5 years . There are a lot more on the road in SD now. Still about once a month someone asks for info, and I hand out a brochure.
Last week we were in Northern Wisconsin ( flew ) visiting relatives in Eagle River, about 25 miles south of Michegan. We saw two Hawks in one day.
I used to get a constant stream of people asking questions and wanting to check out the camper 5 years ago, but not so much anymore. I think it's because I live about an hour from the factory, and do most of my camping around Northern CA, I think the word has gotten out and pretty much everyone has seen them by now...

...or I just need to upgrade to the newer model :D

I don't mind showing it off, it's sweet and I know I bugged a few people about theirs before I got mine, so it all comes around. Met a lot of cool people and got a few good beers out of the deal too.

Only awkward time was camping with my fellow FWC owner together in one site, and at about 5AM I hear a few guys walking around both campers, pointing out details, shining their lights in, and explaining some things about them. Figured my buddy was up early and talking to someone interested in the camper. When I crawled out, my friend asks "who were you talking to about the campers so early this morning?" :oops:
That's funny. Like Bill D., I really covet my privacy and try to avoid the attention and thus have never camped in a public campground. I have shown and even popped my camper up for people on occasion, but it depends on how I am approached. Since I do not get paid for advertising, I usually de-badge/de-decal my stuff and do not wear clothing with logos or advertising as well. That's just me. I like to keep a low profile.

So I'm on the other side of the fence right now. I'm the guy introducing myself to FWC owners a day asking their opinions, as purchasing one is my next step in our adventure life. So far, everyone we've talked to has been more than helpful. We've been offered tours of every FWC we've stopped to look at. I do know the feeling of being singled out for attention. Last summer while camped near The Devils Tower we had quite a few folks ask about our rooftop tent setup. "Never seen anything quite like that" was the general consensus. It seemed funny, that here we were in our kitted out Xterra, parked between 1/2 million dollar motorhome, and we were the center of attention.
I have never felt like this is an inconvenience. Never had any one intrude. People taking a walk that stop and I'm more than accommodating. I don't know whether anyone has bought a FWC or ATC after seeing our camper. Jd

That is pretty funny getting some beer for showing off your popper. I gotta try that next time. Now that would make it worth it for sure.
I have owned FWC continuously since 1983 and have sold three (that I know of) and I'm still waiting for my commission and/or free beer.

I take that back....at ExpoWest they did take great care of their customers. Excellent company.
N'kwala said:
I routinely hand out ATC business cards to people who show interest in my camper. Given how incredibly helpful and capable the ATC team is, it seems the least I can do in return.
Yep, I do the same myself and have passed out about half dozen ATC cards to inquiring minds.

About time for me to restock, better give Marty a call. :D
Along with everyone else I have had people ask about mine. I have been glad to answer questions and tell what I know. I know for a fact that my video has sold at least one camper. This video has been seen over 54,000 times so I am sure there could be more.


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