Health scare and trip planning

"The best laid plans of mice and men" - Several on this thread have mentioned the potential problems associated with traveling outside of your home country and then not being able to return. Last fall we, along with some friends, put deposits on two camper vans with which we intended to tour parts of Europe. Our friends left on February first for a three month excursion and the plan was for us to meet up on March 31st, and then tour together for the month of April. Things were right on schedule until just over two weeks ago when it became apparent that Europe was no longer a desirable destination, and we cancelled our trip. Our friends however, were already well into their European/north African holiday They have been in Morocco for about 10 days and this weekend they called to tell us that Morocco has closed it's borders for at least the next 10 to 14 days. They are supposed to turn the camper in on April 27th in Amsterdam. What will happen to them over the next five weeks is anybody's guess. They are optimistic and their spirits are high but again, "the best laid plans . . . . . "
Traveling can always be an adventure.
Thanks for the story.
Keep us posted.

I always have it in the back of my mind that I have
a safety net of sorts.
I have an EU passport plus my US one.I have never had the need to use my dual
citizenship. Don't know if now is the time to test it.
Missing Link said:
Things were right on schedule until just over two weeks ago when it became apparent that Europe was no longer a desirable destination, and we cancelled our trip.
Good call I'd say. Neighbours on one side still left for Europe just over a week ago. Ones on the other side left yesterday with 3 young kids, not sure to where. Another neighbour came back from the US two days ago and has been in and out ever since (not self isolating as gov requested). Asked him if he has enough groceries and he said yes, he's just been running errands, visiting and stuff.

Hard for people to change plans I guess.

Meanwhile some residents have gone rogue on the road to Tofino and set up a check point.
Just got word the Scottish Games have been cancelled. Expected that but with the recent snows I'm not sure there any good options for a quick getaway.
National Park Service is closing most visitor centers. Parts of southern Utah, including Moab, have all lodging, including RV parks and private campgrounds closed to tourists. Just happened to stumble across these items and there likely will be more closings. Have not seen any indication of public campgrounds being closed.
Were planning to head to our cabin in northern BC in three weeks, but border is now closed. Hoping it opens up at least enough to let us across before too long. If we can get there, we'll be happily in isolation for several months.
BillTheHiker said:
National Park Service is closing most visitor centers. Parts of southern Utah, including Moab, have all lodging, including RV parks and private campgrounds closed to tourists. Just happened to stumble across these items and there likely will be more closings. Have not seen any indication of public campgrounds being closed.
Counties in SE Utah (including Moab) have at least requested for there to be no camping on public or private land. I am not sure if this has the force of law, but it should certainly be respected:

and the order itself:

Effective at 10 pm (MST) on March 17, 2020, all overnight and short-term lodging facilities (including but not limited to hotels, motels, condos, townhomes, guest homes, RV parks, and all camping on public or private lands) within Carbon, Emery, and Grand Counties may only check-in, rent, or lease to Essential Visitors and Primary Residents. Essential Visitors and Primary Residents may utilize public lands for primitive camping purposes. No camp shall be located within 200 yards of another camp and no camp shall consist of more than IO people.
^^ Likewise here. Parks Canada visitor service closing icld toilets. All national park camping, front and back country, closed until Apr 30.
Haven't seen anything about provincial parks.

But I note, here in BC, in the last state of emerg update the Min. of Health has called on the public to exercise their “civic responsibility” and be serious about social distancing, including staying home if possible. Number one on his list of measures for the public in BC is, Do Not Travel.

So that's it for me. I'll continue to follow here for indications that road travel is okay again.
We had reservations at Sonoma County CGs this weekend. They emailed to say they are closed as of 3/18, and would refund us, as limited staff could do so.
Many agencies are either closing or thinking of closing facilities, both to avoid having large groups of public, but also due to the inability to provide PPE and cleaning supplies to employees (or contractors unable to obtain same). Counties are also looking at exercising their authority under public health laws to limit or outright prohibit camping, etc. due to the public health threat much as the counties around Moab are doing.
Let's see this from a small town, rural perspective. In their thinking - and reality - every vehicle coming in could be carrying the virus to their door step. As much as the Lady & I would like to head to the backcountry, we are staying home. That is the only sure way to stop the spread. Stay home and limit all contact with others. If we all take this seriously, we can get this whole ordeal behind us in the shortest amount of time. We can do this.

Here's a story from Bishop, CA -

The Pandemic Comes to Bishop
Some good reading there. Helps me understand the tone of some posts I've been reading lately.

Already getting cabin fever. Perhaps I'll appreciate nature all the more when we can finally go out again.
Sheltering in place seems like the right thing to do.
Unfortunately there are groups of people who still think it's all a"HOAX"
Sad.Just stay safe.Being retired I guess it's easier to stay out of sight.
Thanks Ski for posting that, good advice! Every one of us could be a potential carrier. If we follow Italy progression pattern, well it does not look good. We are a third world country and very late to the party being aggressive.

A friend went to Big Bend and turned around as he witnessed the mob of people.
Here's another well written article stating how important it is to just stay home - not go camping - during this pandemic -

American Adventurist

partial quote -

"On Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook we see people essentially bragging that they’re packing their gear and heading out to the most remote location imaginable, typically only a few hours away from their home. While romantic conceptually that’s not practical, nor is it contributing to the health of our community. Let’s take a closer look at why we’re convinced this isn’t a good strategy."
Thank you for sharing that timely article, the Boy Scout in me says we should always be prepared to go if we are forced to leave home because of an emergency like a fire or other natural disaster, but staying home is the best thing we can do right now... just be prepared
Thousands left Portland and headed to the coast recently order to all stand around looking at each other.

I understand human nature and the urge to "do something" but the herd instinct in us is usually wrong headed.

We all need to be patient, trust the medical professionals, ignore the scare mongers, and stay at home.

And look at WTW !

David Graves

Stay safe in Astoria. Couldn’t believe how many city folk from Portland Metro went to the coast this past weekend endangering coastal residents, & depleting scarce resources in your supermarkets. Beach photos on news showed far too many people on Oregon small town beaches.

Thinking about sneaking away to a rural county? Here's the message Inyo County, California is getting out to residents and potential visitors -

"Please remember that the State's “Stay at Home” Order Applies to Travel for Recreation"

Here is the notice from the Inyo Sheriff -

Inyo Sheriff and SAR

It is time to stay at home.

New posts - WTW

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