Homebound in the Sierra Nevada

In your search for Noah, keep an eye peeled for Gideon's Bible. Rumor has it that Rocky Racoon is loose in your neighborhood. Also, some large exercise equipment company has filed patents on the use of scrabble pieces for exercise videos.

In addition, the EPA is looking into large fines for Californians moving the stored solid phase natural resource from where the gummit has placed it in their redistribution activities. :rolleyes:

Boy, you guys will be in top physical condition for the light duty physical activity later in the year in red rock country.

Nice storm story. I am waiting for Amazon to deliver our Ark DIY kit.
Not many problems here at Escarlata Casa. But the Pajaro River levee broke
on the Monterey County side and flooded the town of Pajaro.

Not an easy fix,I think if the predicted heavy rains come in a few days,the town
of Pajaro will be in very serious trouble.

Stay safe and dry.
Quite a Herculean, if not Sisyphian, task! I am in awe.

No offence to Ski or the Lady, but it looks like the script for some horror movie! The Shining II maybe. But then I am just averse to the white stuff after 30 years on the business end of a shovel. We had no snowblowers, but my dad insisted I help clear the sidewalks and driveways for our neighbors all through junior high and high school. After leaving home I carried on the tradition until suddenly, about 25 years ago, deciding enough was enough.

I hope nature is less generous with more snowpack for you this season.
Whoever came up with the saying "A job well done need never be done again" apparently did not live in snow country. It will be interesting to see a photo later this week after four days straight of heavy rain.
Ted said:
Whoever came up with the saying "A job well done need never be done again" apparently did not live in snow country. It will be interesting to see a photo later this week after four days straight of heavy rain.
Ted, I’m stealing your first sentence, but remember… plagiarism is a sincere form of flattery!
i have been doing roof top snow-removal in a ski-town since 1994, currently running a crew of 13 now. I can tell you firsthand, how hard this is, and we have only had one(1) winter approaching what the folks in the Sierras are dealing with. The guys have been talking about it alot, and we are all very glad that we are "only" slightly above normal for this time of year. To date we are about 25% above last year, i would not want to be in that situation.
goinoregon said:
are we going to schedule a work party to beef up the garage/shed roof this summer?
Good one! Yes, the fix for the shed roof is already planned.

The garage is only five years old and was engineered and built to current snow load requirements. I am confident we would have not had any problems with that roof. But if Julie has a dream and is concerned about the garage roof, we shovel it. Life is so much simpler and easier that way and it's only shoveling.
Speaking of home(ward)bound.... currently on Buffalo NY ...on the last night of the long road trip. My house is in the current storm ..a Nor'easter...very heavy wet snow from the north atlantic hence the name has dumped 27" on top of the 16 I had and it is still snowing. The power lines went down 12 hours ago and the electric company sent a text to say plan on a multi-day event... My neighbor hopefully will clear most of the 850 ft dirt driveway to the house before I get there tomorrow evening. I had set a stove fire to be lit in emergencies before leaving so when we get there I will house will be in the 40's by then. I luckily put the front loader in the garage (from the barn) before I left... good as there is a 6ft wall of old snow there. The price you pay for the audacity to go away and enjoy some sun.
Rob that's the price we pay for having fun.
Now it's back to the real world of snow/ice/mud.
It's a shame you didn't bring back some of that Baja sunshine.
Have a safe last drive.
buckland said:
Speaking of home(ward)bound.... currently on Buffalo NY ...on the last night of the long road trip. My house is in the current storm ..a Nor'easter...very heavy wet snow from the north atlantic hence the name has dumped 27" on top of the 16 I had and it is still snowing. The power lines went down 12 hours ago and the electric company sent a text to say plan on a multi-day event... My neighbor hopefully will clear most of the 850 ft dirt driveway to the house before I get there tomorrow evening. I had set a stove fire to be lit in emergencies before leaving so when we get there I will house will be in the 40's by then. I luckily put the front loader in the garage (from the barn) before I left... good as there is a 6ft wall of old snow there. The price you pay for the audacity to go away and enjoy some sun.

But it is sure worth it, isn't it? :)
Hooo-daddy yea... I smile at my friend's semi-hidden glee that though they have suffered ... I'm getting a piece of it too! HA!
And Frank we brought back a lot of Baja shells to carry us through. I left a tall bottle of Irish on the table with a few shot glasses in case I did not return folks could toast to a good time... The bottle awaits me as a welcome back alive toast... Slainte
Happy homecoming. You could just turn around and go out again for a month or two. The white stuff should be gone by then.
Our blog story ended with the NOAA forecast that the storms were turning warm with high snow levels - "Atmospheric River" of moisture. It started raining on March 9th. Today was mostly sunny, a much appreciated break. Since it began raining on the 9th, we received 10.5 inches of rain.
Wow, 10.5" of rain in five days! We're a bit lower elevation, but got a similar drenching rain. It was fun watching the snowpack melt off the roofs over the last few days. The orchard and garden are still under a foot or more of snow. I use sorel boots to walk the property.

I was pleasantly surprised at 5:30am when I looked out at the moon and stars this morning. Scorpio was poking his head over the horizon. What a great sunny day it was to melt off more snow! I cleared a stubborn 18" of snow off the front deck, escorting icebergs off the deck with my shovel without actually lifting them. It's great to see the driveways and decks again in the sunshine. I even excavated our garden beds carefully where we put in snap peas that were poking out green shoots before Snowmaggedon hit. Another day of warmth and they will start getting some sunshine to wake them up.
Where is this? I live at the base of the Sierra Nevada, in Bishop, and it has been quite a winter!

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