I am starting to really dislike my camper solar


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
(This might be a little ranty)

Since near new, I've had problems with my solar. I wonder now if its that too-small-gauge-wiring I've read about.

2015 FWC Fleet, Dometic fridge, 160w on roof, two deep cell batteries - AGM 30, Go Power 30AMP PWM solar controller.

I can do mechanical, but electric eludes me no matter how much I read and study it.

Last month, I replaced my deep cell batteries. I have two. One was totally shot, the other on the way out. I'm worried that there's something wrong in my system that is causing issues and might kill my new batteries. I cant afford that right now.

When I first installed them July 22, I was excited because it seemed that the charging issue was over. I could drive, park in sun and have 13v reading with just a little drop in the evening down to 12.7, then 12.5 overnight. Well, this past week or so I've noticed that it's doing what it qs before- I'll park and itll show 12.5 even after a day drive. Today, I sit in sun and it got up to 13v abt half hr ago, but now its showing 12.5. Its only 3:15pm. This happened yesterday too and when I woke up, it was at 12.1v.

From my unlearned' mind, it seems the batteries aren't holding charge good.?

A friend keeps telling me to check with multimeter, but I dont even know what to test.

When AT tested my (old) batteries, they said that everything was fine. But all I'm running is the fridge. I've camped with other campers who have same set up and they can camp for days. I've not been able to do that since not long after I got my FWC. Since I live in it full time right now, this is more of a hardship.

I should have had someone else go through the set up before leaving on this adventure, but getting back on the road was a kind of last minute doing with non-camper complications so I didn't. Der.

I'm frustrated, if you couldn't tell.

If this is how it is supposed to run and I just need to buy a portable, so be it, but it seems like the 160w should be enough and the v shouldn't drop so quickly - especially when I was behaving differently (better) right after I put the new batteries in July.

I do have a multimeter with me, but I only knew how to use it for specific motorcycle issues I was working on. I know if you hope it up wrong you can cause damage, and/or kill the meter...so I'm hesitant to putz around with it without knowing exactly how to set it up, what I'm looking for, and how to read it.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Watching this thread closely.

I have a 2017 Fleet with just a SnoMaster fridge and almost the same solar setup. I just bought the 100w Renogy suitcase solar panel to give an additional charge when I have the camper parked in my carport. While I was hooking it up, I noticed that my batteries don’t seem to be holding a charge very well either! Full day in the sun with 260w of direct sunlight and at the end of the day I was showing 12.1v even thought it was showing over 9amps going to the batteries for most of the afternoon. That doesn’t seem right.

I did just drive for about an hour and the controller is now showing 13v (first time in a long time!) but I’ll be curious to see how quickly it drops after the sun goes down.
I am not electrically minded. I think it is magic when I flick a light switch and light comes on. So, anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I suggest that you look at the data sheet for your batteries. My batteries have a float charge of 13.5 but 100% charged is 12.74. The float charge is the charging voltage so when the sun goes down, your battery charge will read close to your 100% voltage. 50% with my batteries is 12.1. 13.0 could be your float charge and 12.5 could be your 100%. But 12.1 in the morning does sound low. Maybe you have something unknowingly drawing current? How to figure that out is way over my head.

And once again, please correct me if I don't have this stuff correct. I'm with Dawn - mechanical stuff is much easier.
Charging voltage is going to be much higher than the battery reads once the charge has stopped.

Do you have a meter in your system that gives you actual usage and charge stats? If not, that's the place to start.
Hey searching! :) "Maybe you have something unknowingly drawing current?" I have wondered. I thought that new batteries fixed it, but this was same problem I had before.

AT changed out my original controller, but didn't troubleshoot the system, just the batteries themselves.

I've seen other folks post that the camper comes from factory with too small a gauge wire from? to? and that causes charging problems?

I just got in touch with a handy friend in Flagstaff who said he can help troubleshoot this, so I'll make my way there. It's only 282 miles from where I'm an in Bryce Canyon NP. Crossing fingers whatever is going on hasn't caused damage to my brand new batteries! I'll let y'all know later this week what we find. (I'll get there Tues or Wed)
To test your battery set the multi-meter to the lowest VDC setting. My very basic meter has settings of 20,200,and 600 so I set mine at 20 VDC when I'm checking my 12v battery. You should have 2 wire leads coming off the multimeter. Touch the black lead to the negative post of your battery and touch the red lead to the positive post and take your reading. Test each battery separately - each battery should have close to the same reading. Hope that answers your question on how to use the meter.
ClimberRob: I have a GoPower controller. It gives me voltage and amps, and a percentage that I've been told to pay no attention to.

My understanding (I'm sure you know this, but to give you a little of what little I know :) ) is that the voltage is what the batteries have usable, and amps is what the solar is collecting.

When AT installed the replacement controller, he hooked it up so that it reads only one reading of both batteries - as opposed to there being a reading for "battery A" and a reading for "battery B". I don't know if that matters. He said since they are in parallel that I dont need to see each individually. I wonder if I'd have known abt the one original battery's demise if I'd had separate readings? No matter at this point, I guess.
Ronin - but my batteries are new, so wouldn't the problem not be them and I'd need to read what's running thru wires or at my controller or something?
Hi Dawn
Ok so sounds like you have a meter. So you have two sources to regen (charge)your batteries. So did you check your motorcycle battery with the meter? So you can check the source for a charge, solar or vehicle the same as you would you motorcycle battery.


If you look at this controller you see the two screws on the left, are the wires coming from the solar panel. That would be the input, put you leads to read the voltage. If the voltage is higher than the batteries power/current should be flowing into the batteries. Hopefully you can access this item easily. Measuring the next two would be the battery's value. Let's say you measure the solar controller at noon and the solar wires measuring 14.6 volts. And you then move to the next set the battery wires 12.3 volts you could see there might be a problem.
Or if your readings are solar 14.6 camper batteries 14.1 I would think you are charging your batteries with the solar panel.

The other source comes from the truck alternator, I think yours should pass thru an isolator, a device which separates your camper batteries from the truck battery. This will prevent the camper from draining your truck starting battery.
Mine only isolates the 12v + I check mine with one test lead on the 12v- and the other on the wire coming into the isolator from the truck battery (12v+). When the truck is running the measurement you see here should be the same as measuring the battery under the hood. Again numbers higher than your house battery's says you are charging or at least have the potential to charge.

I would check all connections for a secure or tight screw or lug. Be careful switch the camper off so none of the 12 volt accessories will work. A little tug on the wires is ok.

Next time you are in a town google a battery distributor like interstate batteries, someone who can check the specific gravity to look at the integrity of your new batteries. If you have a bad cell they can identify it that way.


You mentioned the wire size, think of filling the fuel tank on your truck at a pump and how long it takes. Now imagine you have 48 quart bottles and the funnel opening is no bigger than your finger, now how much time would that take. That's kinda how the wire size in the scheme of things works. You might have the watts or power on the roof, but you are bottle necked in your system by wire size or a loose connection.

Hope this helps. I'm not real good with solar so if anyone sees something wrong what I wrote or can add something please do.

To test your batteries set the multi-meter to the lowest VDC setting. My very basic meter has settings of 20,200,and 600 so I set mine at 20 VDC when I'm checking my 12v battery. You should have 2 wire leads coming off the multimeter. Touch the black lead to the negative post of your battery and touch the red lead to the positive post and take your reading. Test each battery separately - each battery should have close to the same reading. Use your multimeter reading to see if it matches the readings you are currently getting.
Hope this is the info you were looking for - trouble shooting beyond this I'll leave to the experts out there.
hoyden said:
Ronin - but my batteries are new, so wouldn't the problem not be them and I'd need to read what's running thru wires or at my controller or something?
I was just replying to your question on using your multimeter. Testing the batteries is just a first step to verify what your current voltage readings are telling you. After that Cougar Couple gives a lot of things to start checking- it's a process of elimination. Thankfully, you have someone who can help you figure out what the heck is the problem. Good luck!!
If you have a smart battery charger like one of the Noco Genius models like the G7200, ( https://no.co/g7200 )
hook it up to your batteries, plug it in and allow it to fully charge the batteries. This gives you a known starting point so that you can determine how your electrical system is working.

Monitor what happens over your next while as you use the camper. Note the voltage after sunset and before the sun starts hitting your solar panels. Note the charging amps several times during the day to give you an idea about how much charging you are getting from solar and if charging is keeping up with your usage. Don’t make changes until you have more measured information about what is going on.

If your batteries continue to lose state of charge, stay somewhere with electrical hookups every few days to completely recharge your batteries so they don’t get damaged.

Let us know what you learn.

According to the Go Power charge controller manual, you should see 14.4 volts when charging, and 13.7 volts at "float". If the voltage never gets to 14.4, you're not charging the battery. We need some more specific information here. You say there are two batteries, "AGM 30". What brand are they? What size (ampere hour capacity)? The name AGM 30 tends to imply they are 30 ampere hour, but that would be ridiculously small. What brand and model are the solar panels? The operating voltage and amperage of the panels is important. It could be a combination of issues. The wire from the panels to the controller could be too small for the length of the run. That, combined with panels that have a lower voltage output, will result in too low a voltage to the controller. if you're in full sun, and there is only 13 volts at the battery, there is a major problem somewhere.
When you get to your friend in flagstaff, in addition to having him help with the solar, ask him to look at the setup that lets your alternator charge the house batteries. Specifically you want to see what kind of isolator you have. A solenoid would be good. There are also some types that use advanced electronic components which is also good. On the other hand, a simple diode type will cause a voltage drop that would significantly reduce the voltage going back to the house batteries, so you would wind up not getting much help from the alternator. All part of your house battery charging puzzle. Use a meter to check the voltage going into the isolator, and compare it to the voltage coming out. A drop of .5 to .7 volts may not sound like much, but it's actually a big deal in battery charging.
At the risk of overwhelming you, I will chime in too.

Lots of good advice here. More data is the first step, as others have said. Battery AH capacity, and your Solar Panel output in Watts being the biggest unknown right now.

Paul's suggestion to fully charge up plugged into shore power is a good one. Get those batteries up to known good charge state and see what your GoPower says then.

Re: wires to small. I've written about this a lot in the More Power Scotty thread, but realistically, the wires inside the camper that go to the roof solar panels is NOT a concern.

That said, wire size does matter when charging from the truck whilst driving. The brand/model of isolator matters too. A lot of them shut down under certain conditions (like low camper batteries) meaning that the truck alternator can't charge the camper batteries, ever. Recharging them with shore power first can rectify that problem, temporarily.

So, here is a thought/theory... The new batteries worked fine in your system for a while, with the alternator and solar doing their part to recharge the batteries. Maybe they could keep up with your normal load, or maybe not quite. Then one day, your camper batteries dropped below a certain threshold that the isolator didn't like. It kicked in, and now your truck can no longer help recharge the camper batteries. The solar has to do it on its own, and can't, and it looks like the system/batteries are not up to snuff again.

If that's the case, recharging from shore power should restore your system (for a while).

Keep us posted.
Sounds like its likely undercharging your batteries. Wire size most likely isn't an issue. Hate to say it but if you had a battery monitor (like the victron or others) you'd have a lot more info. Unfortunately of course thats more money. Curious to see what your friend comes up with.
Hi all!

Thank you so much for all your replies! I just arrived in Flagstaff at my friend's house. I was going to stay out one more night and get here tomorrow, but I kept checking my Controller during my drive today, and decided that it can't wait. It stayed at 12.2 even after a couple of hours drive in the morning sun, then got up to 12.8v at Vermillion Cliffs (love that area!), then dropped back down to 12.5 at the next gas station. All day no clouds, full sun. Drove for 5+ hrs. I parked at my friend's house just now and it's reading 12.4. Der.

At least I'm now in a city, with a friend who can help, and real stores if need anything, at high enough elevation where we won't roast :)

He's still at work, so I'm catching up on this thread.
I'm going to write down all the ideas, and show them to my far-more-skilled-than-I-with-electrical-stuff friend :D
Oh, those in this thread that aren't familiar.... I'm full-time in my FWC! so making repairs isn't terribly easy. I've got some tools with me, and a shitty multimeter :), but it's so much easier when in a town where you can go buy supplies if needed!

Here's my ongoing Trip Report http://www.wanderthewest.com/forum/topic/16758-no-destination-finding-home-tour/

(I was at Bryce Canyon this morning! So pretty! )
I will chime in and try to keep things simple.

I have a 2015 Hawk (started camping in it 4/16/15) after installing two Optima Blue Top Deep Cycle AGMs. They are still in the camper and performing at about 90% efficiency compared to new. Not half bad for 41 month old batteries.

But, the key is maintaining deep cycle batteries at peak storage capacity to the greatest extent possible. Obviously, they are meant to be deeply discharged. But, they must be fully charged as soon as possible when they are drained into a deep discharge condition. Failing to do so will greatly decrease the longevity of the batteries.

Vic hit upon a very important important variable. Charging with the vehicle's alternator. The "hot" wire comes off the positive of the crank battery and should be a gauge suitable to carry the suitable amperage to the camper batteries; gauge will be dependent upon the length of the run.

Also, toss out the 2015 FWC battery separator (can't even recall the brand name anymore) and install the Blue Seas ML-ACR Automatic Charging Relay with Manual Control -12V DC. This will allow you to override the relay and charge your camper batteries with the truck when camper batteries are in a deep discharge. You must use the manual override judiciously as this places a very heavy load on the crank battery.

If you are living in the camper full time, I suspect you are putting a heavy drain on the camper batteries and they are not getting a full recharge before the next deep discharge. The deeper the discharge and the longer the period before a full recharge, can reduce the life span of expensive AGM deep cycle batteries to mere months. Further, a partial recharge and then a deep discharge is hard on deep cycle batteries and will reduce life span as well. I learned this expensive lessen the hard way on my flats fishing boat that had a 24v trolling motor.

In-so-far as solar charging. You only get 100% efficiency from the panel when it is exactly 90' to the sun. Any "angle off" will diminish solar gain and charging efficiency. More then 30' angle off will greatly reduce the panel's charging efficiency.

Further, shading of a single cell (say 1 of 36 cells) can reduce the entire panel charging efficiency by as much as 75%. I didn't install racks of on my camper roof for this very reason, I can't accept shade on the solar panel. I'm also keenly aware of the sun's relationship to the panel with the roof vent open so I don't needlessly shade a cell. An important aspect camping days on end in the same spot out in the desert. And, I use a portable panel. I would submit the portable panel is far more efficient than the fixed roof mounted panel as long as you keep the panel oriented towards the sun throughout the day.

To get the most out of solar charging, one should learn the nuances of the system, its limitations and techniques to gain the most from a solar charging system. There is some really good info online as it relates to campers and RVs. While there are some really nice controllers on the market that let you know charging and discharge rates along with a host of other variables, nothing beats using good techniques to conserving the energy in your batteries. And really, that's what we're talking about energy conservation and using good techniques as they relate to your solar charging system thereby reducing the burden on the system itself.

Good luck.

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