Locking propane tanks in Hawk


Advanced Member
Aug 2, 2013
I've read a few threads about locking the propane tanks to prevent theft, but haven't seen what people were using.

Does anyone have any ideas to share?

I was going to put a lock on the propane compartment door, but think it would be better to just secure the tanks.

Illegal to have a locked propane compartment. If storing inside(not recommended), you need some sort of ventilation in case of leakage. I say not recommended because I had a 1lb cylinder leak inside the camper last summer, it can certainly happen. I was glad to have a working gas detector that alerted us.
Beach said:
Illegal to have a locked propane compartment. If storing inside(not recommended), you need some sort of ventilation in case of leakage. I say not recommended because I had a 1lb cylinder leak inside the camper last summer, it can certainly happen. I was glad to have a working gas detector that alerted us.
What he said. This is why "Locking up Tanks" thread is not popular. Propane is heavier than Air, as you may know, so keep this in mind for ventilation and flame/ignition sources if you store inside. Mount low, vent lower, detector near sleep area and low. BTW, I use the cheap exchange cylinders that are $30 to replace so not much of a target for thieves. Ugly and not artful but still there when I get back. I once painted on very distinctly so it would act as a deterrent. Good luck and happy camping.
Thanks for the replies. I understand that its not legal to lock the door, although stealing them is technically illegal as well.

I'm not looking to put them anywhere other than the propane compartment, just to try and secure them in the compartment.

It has 2 of the 10 pound cylinders, so the cheap exchange tanks are not an option.
I was thinking about a small, short cable to run through the handles. Maybe just threaded through the D ring that the nylon strap is on.
I really don't understand why people want to lock the propane door. It's just silly. If you are that worried about the propane cylinders being stolen, then maybe consider not venturing out. A few years ago I was at a campground and I was walking back from the shower when I caught a whiff of propane. It was coming from the camper on a site next to the bathrooms. I opened the propane door and removed the tank since the owner wasn't around. The POL fitting going into the service valve had a small crack in it letting the gas escape. How silly would it have been if he locked the compartment it was in and a fire/explosion occurred because it couldn't be removed? As a tech in the propane industry, I would highly suggest leaving it unlocked, as required by DOT.
stanbiker said:
but think it would be better to just secure the tanks.
He's asking for input on securing the tanks, not locking the door. Everyone knows not to discuss locking propane doors, it's too painful.
Mine is double nutted, more to keep it from loosening up than anything else but it might slow a thief down.
Here's what came with my 09 Hawk. The metal straps with hasp are screwed to the sides of the box. This holds both 10 pound tanks nice and tight.

The camper's propane piping attaches to the tank you see. The tank behind is the spare.

Secure enough for me.


That looks awesome. Mine only has Velcro straps. I think I’ll call and see if the metal strap will fit mine.

esimmers said:
Here's what came with my 09 Hawk. The metal straps with hasp are screwed to the sides of the box. This holds both 10 pound tanks nice and tight.

The camper's propane piping attaches to the tank you see. The tank behind is the spare.

Secure enough for me.


I've posted my idea before,so here it is again.
I replaced the hold down bolt with a 6" or so "eye" bolt
then a short piece of chain and a padlock.Through the
tank handle and all secure.
I have a horizontal thank.
Good idea Frank. I sometimes wonder if I'm just not paranoid enough. I even leave the key in the Jeep. Just have to know how to drive multiple sticks.
Folks...do as you wish...but getting the tanks out of the camper if propane is escaping the tank is the reason for not locking the tanks in place...the valves can leak not just the hoses or fittings and turning off the valve may not stop the leak...your call, but I prefer to not lock in a canister of explosive gas in my camper...paranoid perhaps, but better to error on safe side...hell, they don't cost as much as the camper..I have seen what a propane explosion can do to an RV...very sobering and scary..

But hey, I could be wrong... ;)
I locked my door, Yep I said it and I don't care. Those tanks are about 80 dollars to replace. If I am on a 10 day deer hunt or fishing trip the last thing I want to do is drive several hours to get new tanks just so someone can take them too. Whole camps are being stolen now. Tents and everything, you get back and nothing is there. I lock everything I can. If the propane police come and give me a ticket so be it.
idahoron said:
Whole camps are being stolen now. Tents and everything, you get back and nothing is there. I lock everything I can. If the propane police come and give me a ticket so be it.
Where are you hearing about events like this? Disturbing...
Vic Harder said:
Where are you hearing about events like this? Disturbing...
In most of Idaho hunters are coming back to find stuff gone. Last year a full camp, wall tent and everything was taken about 50 miles south of me in the desert. I put trail cameras out around my camps now if I have to leave them for any period of time. It is the meth heads that are doing it. My house was robbed last February and the likely suspect was a girl that we raised when she was little. Now she is 18 and stealing anything that isn't nailed down.
Let's be clear - it is NOT illegal for a private owner to install a lock on the propane compartment. The manufacturer probably follows NFPA guideline 1192 which is fire safety for RVs and recommends against a locking propane compartment. Note that this is a guideline, not a law,

That being said, it has been pointed out that there are good reasons not to lock the propane compartment and times when you may want to lock it. As a compromise, I installed a combination lock on the propane compartment of my Hawk:


I leave it unlocked most of the time but lock it when I will be away from the camper for a long time and it's parked in an area with a lot of people. I also make sure to turn the propane off anytime I lock the compartment. I think this is a reasonably safe compromise.
PJorgen said:
Let's be clear - it is NOT illegal for a private owner to install a lock on the propane compartment. The manufacturer probably follows NFPA guideline 1192 which is fire safety for RVs and recommends against a locking propane compartment. Note that this is a guideline, not a law,

That being said, it has been pointed out that there are good reasons not to lock the propane compartment and times when you may want to lock it. As a compromise, I installed a combination lock on the propane compartment of my Hawk:


I leave it unlocked most of the time but lock it when I will be away from the camper for a long time and it's parked in an area with a lot of people. I also make sure to turn the propane off anytime I lock the compartment. I think this is a reasonably safe compromise.

Agreed...especially where you live..Bay Area is a tough crowd.. :D

But while locking away the propane that is turned off and the vehicle is not moving poses a minimal risk it still is a risk to those responding to a fire; trucks do catch on fire...we each assume the amount of risk we are comfortable with; which is as it should be...reminds me of lug nut locks and those with a flat that can't find the "key"...sad we live in an environment that spawns crooks; more so in some locales than others.....now chastity belts, they work! Oppps...got a little off track.. ;)


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