Looking for Coleman Stirling Power Cooler


New Member
Mar 19, 2018
I'm new to this forum. I'm looking for a used Coleman "Stirling Power Cooler" which the co. sold around 2004-08 but which was expensive, not very popular, and discontinued. This is not like the current thermoelectric models but used an entirely different method of cooling. Would anyone here by chance have bought one back then and be willing to sell? I demonstrate other machines using the same stirling engine principle to kids and adults at open houses in engineering at our university. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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I never heard of the unit before (we used split Sterling coolers at work along with other active closed-cycle coolers on our ground based instruments and even some Space instruments, although most that we built for space were passive radiative coolers)

Here is a cool link in case you do not know of it;


(the links to Deka Research and Dean Kamen (inventor of the Segway) in the article are broken but can be searched on separately in Google)
Read some reviews about the unit.
It seems to be very noisy in the colder modes.
Also seems like it uses more power then the "Truckfridge" or the Engels.
Why not just get a Truckfridge for around $600, IMO.
Thanks for your replies. There was a fairly long discussion of these coolers on this forum some years ago:


Well aware there may be better coolers on today's market but am more interested in this for its technology than for its cooling ability. I demonstrate all sorts of stirling technology (mostly old) at educational events associated with the community and university.
ebay? seems like if one will turn up anywhere it would be there first. Then maybe CraigsList.
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