Looking for People to Join me for a Nevada Winter Trek/Camp 12/29-31


Dec 4, 2011
Las Vegas, NV

I’m looking for people who would like to join me for a few days for some off road exploring in Esmeralda and Mineral Counties. If you haven’t been to this area, you don’t know what you’re missing. Beautiful country, Ghost Towns, Mine Ruins and great camping. I’m an ATV guy but 4x4’ers are of course welcome as well. On this trip, I will be offloading in Dyer, NV Thursday morning and heading out North from there. 2 nights camping returning mid afternoon on Saturday. Even if nobody chimes in and joins me, I will still be making this trip but I would really enjoy some company. You can come and go as you please. I will supply Cell #’s and be monitoring FRS Radio channel 7 throughout the ride and can supply GPS coordinates as needed. Anyone interested??

It is December so it will be cold at night. Zero to teens at night so be equipped accordingly. Here are some pictures of past trips to give you an idea of what to expect………













Roughly where in Nevada is this?

I apologize. I will get a map posted.

Esmeralda and Mineral Counties run along the California border between Vegas and Reno. About half way along US 95.

Here is a link to google maps:

Dyer NV
Welcome to WTW, RKBA!

I'm not a candidate for this kind of outing...but good job on jumping right in and getting social!
Happy trails.

- Mark
I'd sure like to see some old mines in that area. Can't make it during that time frame though so I'll be counting on you to post a bunch of photos of the trip when you get back :D
This is soooooo tempting. DD, you sure you can't break away? It's a ways down there, but 6 days might make it worth it.

RKBA, looks like your a great addition to the crew here at WTW! Welcome!

Home Skillet
RKBA, looks like your a great addition to the crew here at WTW! Welcome!

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I appreciate it!

I've been a lurker here for a while and I have already gotten more response from my first post than all the posts I have made on the "Local" sites in the last year. I guess there are those who do and those who just talk about it :) You folks look like you have a good crew here. I look forward to hanging out and hopefully contributing. Thank you again.

A little about me..... I live in Vegas. I moved here going on 11 years ago from LA. I'm a 5th generation Californian. I grew up with a father who liked to "Take Off" at a moments notice and just go out and explore. I had some glorious times with him. One of the reasons I moved to Nevada was to explore the incredible places here with my son. It's amazing to go out for 3 or 4 days and never see another soul. Or find a cabin with a newspaper from 1959 still sitting on the table (I swear....I have a picture). I could go on but you get the idea. I would welcome company anytime if anyone would like to join me on this trip or one in the future. Thanks agin guys!
BTW... To you OR guys.... I have been chomping at the bit for a while to do some exploring in the northern part of NV. I always research my trips and I just finished a book by Nell Murbarger who documented tons of townsites and mines in the NW part of the state. Maybe we can link up in the spring :)
Good thinking RKBA. You've got some nice terrain to explore. Welcome to WTW, you'll fit right in.

We're probably going to be just west of you in DV over the dates mentioned. Have a great trip and post a TR when you return. I'm sure someone will jump on this opportunity to explore.
Good thinking RKBA. You've got some nice terrain to explore. Welcome to WTW, you'll fit right in.

We're probably going to be just west of you in DV over the dates mentioned. Have a great trip and post a TR when you return. I'm sure someone will jump on this opportunity to explore.

Thanks Lighthawk. Nevada City eh? I have a client in Grass Valley and I always try to stay in NC. My wife's favorite Xmas movie has become "A Christmas Card" over the last few years. We just watched it yesterday. I love your town!
It's a bit touristy when Victorian Christmas and Cornish Christmas descend upon our towns of NC and GV. Susan grew up here and I moved up in the 80's. We love our little towns and surrounding playgrounds.
I'd be tempted if I didnt have to head north over the Christmas holiday.

I understand Craig. This is all very short notice but maybe we can link up in the future. I try to do a trip every month or so and Sac isn't too far. Maybe next time.

Welcome from Boise, Rick!!!

That looks like fun!! I don't have a quad but I do have a 50" Razor that fits most quad trails. I'd love to tag along sometime. Right now I'm having back issues. Can't see the doc for another 2 weeks.
Well, I haven’t had too much response to my invitation. I posted the invite on several boards. A couple of people have given me a “Maybe” on other boards so we will see. In any case, I will be heading out from Dyer, NV Thursday morning. I am planning on visiting several places I have never been to yet. Columbus, Candelaria, Moho, Marietta and others. Below are some pictures I found from other sites of some of these areas. I can’t wait!! Wish me luck……..it’s still not too late to join!




If you would be willing to donate some photos from these ghost towns you are visiting to my westernmininghistory.com website it would be greatly appreciated!

Consider it done! I usually take 100's of photos on these trips. You're welcome to anything you think you can use.
Keep the invites coming. its only family pressure keeping me from making this one.

Will do Craig! There will be many more.
While researching this trip, I have found enough interesting info for at least 2 more.
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