My thoughts on Overland Journals FWC article

Jeepers. Don't single out FWC for crappy table design. We're on our 3rd camper and all our table were junk.

All 3 tables were pedestal style and WAY TOO BIG and they hogged/cramped all the interior living space. My routine solution was to replace all of them with a small/medium size hardwood cutting board with a pedestal mount thingie on the bottom. A table that's easy to stow, and just large enough for 2 plates and 2 glasses.

Yeah. Good solution, whizbang. I think I'm going to get a nice piece of hardwood plywood and cut it to the size I want, and attach the table mount hardware to it. Then, when retirement lets me travel some, I can paste post cards or a small map to it and cover it with clear vinyl.
As you all know I'm not one to stir an all ready boiling pot. Yeah right. But this is a rather benign, all be it annoying problem. So here goes. In my new Cougar I've decided not to go the dinette route. I'll have the standard sink cabinet but I want the "L" shaped couch and on the passenger side the couch will only extend about 40" +/- back into the camper. Pam want's a tall cabinet in the rear on the right side of the entry door, all the rest will be floor space. And because its a Cougar there'll be plenty of it. Additional storage will be Rubbermade containers.

Now for the table issue. Because I'll have lots of floor space I can use a folding chair for one diner and the "L" for the other. Below is a preliminary crude representation of the table I'll be building. one end will attach to the window sill and the other uses a fold up leg. It will be removeable and it utilizes marine style table brackets.

Even the least talented among us will clearly see I'm no artist. So sue me. As with all of this type of camping this is a compromise. But it beats a 40 foot motor home. And remember Pam and I, except on rare occasions, almost exclusively cook and eat out side.

cougar table_0001.jpg

I've used these on a couple of sail boats and I was pretty satisfied with them.
table brackets.jpg
I read Overland Journal once. My initial impression seemed to me like a lot of knowledge goes into the publication, but not much experience.

But I'll tell you the table was literally the first thing I un-installed and junked when I got my FWC home. And I like the sliding doors. They check all of the blocks as far as I'm concerned:

inexpensive to repair/replace
no moving parts/hardware to break while on the road
no yard sales
If we're talking tables, this one is my favorite :

I read the article, by the way. It was surprising in that it did not even mention which model FWC it was that the article was about... (had to squint at the photo ;) )

As for a conflict of interest, it sort of goes with the territory and as mentioned earlier, requires a grain or two of salt, but no big deal.

BTW, is Toyota also a sponsor, as there seems to be a lot written about the Tacoma :rolleyes:

And I like the sliding doors. They check all of the blocks as far as I'm concerned:

inexpensive to repair/replace
no moving parts/hardware to break while on the road
no yard sales

I still have them on the over the couch storage. Stuff falls behind then and they jam up, also the "rubber knob" is worn so mine do open yard said when on bumpy stuff. They can be improved but I also don't like only having access into part of the cabinet when the door is open. If I were keeping my hawk longer term I'd probably rework them.
That table pedistal looks like THE BOMB!!!!!

I'm ordering one today. It will free up a lot of leg room for the dinette in my Hawk.

I noticed that it had a 125 pound weight rating which means it must be pretty sturdy.

Great find! Thanks.
Look at that, a few latches, a $75 dollar arm for a table, and half of my complaints are solved. My issue is FWC goes that 95% but seems to not have much interest in listening to its customers to get that final 5% done. Git R Done.

Stan, I'll shoot you an invoice today for these invaluable services we are supplying FWC with :)
Gosh !
Don't even have an FWC yet and here we are helping a bunch :p
I bet one of these could work in the new Cajita, too :cool:

By the way, OH and I have been having a discusion (elsewhere ;) ) about the two links and the lesser of the two in price is "Lagun Style," which is looking like it is a knock-off.
Just FYI and Buyer Beware...
That table is perfect! I have been looking for something like that for my camper build. Thanks so much for the link.

It is available Here for $75.

I looked at this link and I don't think it is the original Lagun brand. The information says it is manufactured by Springfield Marine.

The article mentions that there are knock offs around that are not the same quality.

The original post has the Lagun brand brackets for $203.

I guess the question is rather the origianal Lagun brand is worth the extra money.....or will the Springfield Marine bracket work just fine too?

Just something to be aware of and ponder.

Is there anyone out there that has personal experience with either brand?
Gosh !
Don't even have an FWC yet and here we are helping a bunch :p
I bet one of these could work in the new Cajita, too :cool:

By the way, OH and I have been having a discusion (elsewhere ;) ) about the two links and the lesser of the two in price is "Lagun Style," which is looking like it is a knock-off.
Just FYI and Buyer Beware...

From our "elsewhere" conversation.

I called SV HotWire, talked to a very nice lady who was very helpful. She said additional mounting brackets were $58.95, although she was not sure if they had them in stock. She did say that it was time to be placing an order from Sweden, so more would be coming. I asked if she knew how much the whole system weighed, so she went and weighed it for me, just under 10 pounds. I would feel very good about ordering from them, their prices for the Lagun are also cheeper than the converted prices on the German website.

I also called Cascade Depot, no answer. It does say their (copy) is made by Springfield Marine, I looked up their website, and they are not making stuff in Sweden.

I would order the real Lagun from SV HotWire. They answered the phone and were very helpful, and it is the real thing, not a knock off.
When I was talking to the lady at SV, she asked where I found out about them. I explained, she laughed and then seriously asked how many people were interested because she would be ordering more from Sweden.

I wonder if we could do a "group buy" from SV. I would head this up if people want. How many are seriously interested?
Ditto OH.
Solves my table issue as well. I've also sent the pic off to Jeff at ATC.

I would have a bracket mounted inside the camper, and another bracket mounted on the outside corner.

Let us know if ATC is considering installing these.
I just ordered one from't trust the knock off. My table is important to me and is a central part of my camper. It will be nice to be able to move it around when ever I want.
If a group buy is coming together, I will commit to one and an extra mounting plate, as it will be great to be able to use this inside and out. I am also interested in the composite table that they offer to fit. From the photo, it looks to be very compact.

I am very pleased that so many folks liked this table idea :)

When I was talking to the lady at SV, she asked where I found out about them. I explained, she laughed and then seriously asked how many people were interested because she would be ordering more from Sweden.

I wonder if we could do a "group buy" from SV. I would head this up if people want. How many are seriously interested?
Really glad to hear you didn't get the knock off ! :D

I just ordered one from't trust the knock off. My table is important to me and is a central part of my camper. It will be nice to be able to move it around when ever I want.

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