My thoughts on Overland Journals FWC article

Really glad to hear you didn't get the knock off !

Thanks for the original link. This is a great find.
RE The great table everyone is talking about:
OK, I'm sold! This is brilliant! Too bad I didn't know about this a couple of weeks ago...instead of the night before I head out for a 3-week trip.

So, I'll get one before the next trip. :)
RE The great table everyone is talking about:
OK, I'm sold! This is brilliant! Too bad I didn't know about this a couple of weeks ago...instead of the night before I head out for a 3-week trip.

So, I'll get one before the next trip.


I'm in the same boat. I just ordered one...but I'm leaving Tuesday for a week camping trip with my Hawk. Oh well, I guess it will be installed when I return.
Hmmm, from OJ to tables. Yay I get to use this :)

Yeah, not fun if you are trying to read through this at a later date for information. But, it has been a fun conversation and I enjoy the different directions we have gone.
Do I know you well enough to call you Nate? At any rate I think this thread is about to die a well deserved death. But I've been wrong before.

New posts - WTW

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