Need A 700 Hp. Grocery Getter


Advanced Member
Nov 9, 2009
This is one wicked fast Caddilac,a slightly different image from 20yrs. ago.
This is one wicked fast Caddilac,a slightly different image from 20yrs. ago.


That might just interest me in a Cad....My dad drove Cads and Buick's for years, not quite the same :)

How's that busted wing?? You back using all your extremities??

We stopped to gas up coming back from a weekender on I-10 West of Houston. While at the station, these hot cars kept pulling into the convenience store.

Finally, I noticed they all had "Hennessey" on the rear deck. We had gotten off I10 in Sealy, TX, where their base of operations is located. Being a local traffic cop in that town must be a depressing job... you can't catch *anybody*.

That might just interest me in a Cad....My dad drove Cads and Buick's for years, not quite the same :)

How's that busted wing?? You back using all your extremities??


Thanks for asking, yeah the wrist is healed I think, I dumped the cast a little early so I could get the cylinder heads back on the motor inthe MISSSLE, now I know why people who know what their doing pull the cab off these trucks before you do a job like that. We dumped 350 pots out of Eureka last night and then went back to the beginning and rolled through em' for a few more crab than I thought we would get, but don't buy crabs just yet, when Oregon opens up you will see much better prices. My grandmother had a 56 Eldo. that I learned how to drive in, although nobody new I was teaching myself in the middle of the night. I finally got caught when somebody taught me how to make a car backfire coasting down a steep hill, man, thatt Caddy had two big 4 barrel carbs. that held and fed a lot of unburned fuel into the intake, so when I turned the key back on, pretty much blew the entire exhaust into the road, being a kid was sure fun. I'm going to take a nap and then I'll try to answer everbodys questions.

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