No-Destination "Finding Home Tour"

Thanks y'all for following along!
Here's my newest blog post!

Not All Who Wander are Lost...unless they are

Synchronicities and decisions. After a nice visit, I left my friend's house in middle-of-nowhere-not-far-from-Breckenridge Colorado. It had snowed for two days, first day had melted off, but forecast showed much more on the way. It was time to skedaddle. If I had remembered that another friend lived in southern Colorado, I would have gone to visit him and his wife. Instead, I drove to Valley of the Gods, UT., one of my most favorite places, found this heart at a spot where I considered popping up for the night...but then for some unknown reason decided to keep driving. [ 782 more words ]

Destination : Home

Oof, been a bit since I updated. I left you off at Tucson after finding the puppy dog, Trinity - now renamed Kaya, after Kayenta, the closest town in Arizona from where I found her. I decided to relocate to Tucson. It made a logical sense - southwest where I love to camp and explore, university town, not too large a city but big enough to have lots to keep me entertained and fed, a good motorcycle community I could easily plug into....
[ 298 more words ]

Congrats. On another note, I've been considering a "move" and while it's unlikely to be honest, my "home" requirements are a bit different. Since you've been around the country now thought I'd see what you would recommend. I don't mind a bit of a winter, not into the really hot temps in the summer (for long). I'd like something that has about 100k people (and a tax friendly state for retirement types; I could figure that out on my own). I'd like to have rivers, water, mtns nearby. Any recommendations?

BTW, I'm in Boise, ID right now. It was 125k people when I moved here and it's out of control. I think they predict 1M people in the valley in a few years. Crazy. All the bad things that come with a lot of people moving here.

kmcintyre - have you considered Bozeman? No state taxes, I think, super friendly town, look a like about 47k people, easy access to beauty of all kinds, mountains...and the rivers are phenomenal.
Thanks, y'all! It's really good being home. Friends drop by just to say hi, lunches with my mom.... The rental house is coming together...I forgot that people move a little slower here ;-)

I'll post some pics soon. This week will be truck and camper cleaning week! Yay!
hoyden said:
kmcintyre - have you considered Bozeman? No state taxes, I think, super friendly town, look a like about 47k people, easy access to beauty of all kinds, mountains...and the rivers are phenomenal.
I have. Not a cheap town and not sure about the winters. I do love Bozeman and Missoula.

New posts - WTW

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