No-Destination "Finding Home Tour"

That is so awful :(
Thanks for the links, Vic!

Paul - Whoa. That's huge!
I'll be going to Portland from Yachats, so coming up from the south.
Thanks for the info. That's definitely something I wouldn't want to encounter.
More Catching up: Marrowstone Island, WA

Between visiting with friends, sightseeing, and lack of interwebz connectivity, it's a little difficult to keep up with my blog! Ha! I think I'll just title them all "Catching up" until I get current. Maybe not - I'd have too many named the same! Since my last entry, I've spent some really wonderful time with old friends in Marrowstone Island, just North-East of the Olympic National Park.
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There's supposed to be a wind change mid-day and smoke will clear out of this area - we'll see.

Mighty Dodge Ram - My friends I stay with (pop up next to their house ;) ) here in Yachats live right near the man who owns the Luna See! His truck rumbles in and parks in the area across from me :) We ate there last week, before I went to Corvallis for four days! YUM!

windy - I will! If the smoke clears in that area, I'll head over in that direction late next week, or after Labor Day. Something like that. :D
Update! ((that's a giant heading. hahaha!)

After leaving friends in Marrowstone Island, the dogs and I made our way to the north-westernmost point of the continental U.S.; Cape Flattery The water is an amazing dark turquoise blue. Sully was mesmerized. Cape Flattery, and the town of Neah Bay are part of the Makah Reservation. Click here: for little bit of information on the Makah People. The…
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Thanks y'all!

I've been posting photos on my no-destination Facebook page:
and on Instagram
and will get Corvallis and Yachats, OR written up soon :)
I shoulda worked on that yesterday while kicking back in Yachats. Oops. Hahaha!

Today (or tomorrow), I'll head to Bend, and then over to visit some WtWers in the far NE corner of Oregon, then will commence making my way to New Mexico.

Time for coffee now!

Take 126 out of Eugene to 242. Stop at McKenzie Bridge for lunch and check out clear lake. Awesome drive. Also several GREAT camping spots (National Forests) along the way of you want to break up the drive.
Good food and great atmosphere. Pulling off into Clear Lake is well worth it just to stretch your legs if nothing else.
Hi Dawn

Maybe no swimming but we would recomend renting a rowboat at Clear Lake.....the water is so clear one has an amazing view of submerged dead trees under the water....very pretty place.

David Graves
You can also hike a bit of the McKenzie River trail up to the lake there (can't remember it's name) but it's very scenic. Some mtn bikers use the trail but generally are going pretty slow. I think you can start up from the ranger station (or park there).
Yachats, Corvallis, Yachats again

I need to set some kind of routine for writing blog posts as I seem to be way behind in my updates! I'm currently in Enterprise, Oregon - at the NorthEastern corner of Oregon - visiting WtW friends(!), but I need to update y'all about my wonderful time in Yachats and Corvallis! One of the things that's impressed upon me during this "Finding Home Tour" and visiting friends, is how many people I have in the Pacific NorthWest. [ 682 more words ]


:D HI!


I know I wrote about this some in my previous post, but I'm so overwhelmed by the kindness of people that I feel a need to write more. In the past couple of months, people I hadn't met before, old friends I hadn't seen in 20+ years, old friends I last saw two years ago, and newer friends I'd only met once before all took me in to their homes, welcomed me with open arms, were most gracious and generous hosts, and made my world feel much more comforting and loving than it has felt for a long time. [ 962 more words ]

New posts - WTW

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