Off The Grid For Vacation To Antarctica

Updates, please! I've always wanted to go to Antarctica and really considered it a few years ago.
When we returned back to Nevada from a wonderful trip, life picked up where it left off. Busy at work and moving snow at home… We are still cleaning up equipment from the trip. The past days have really flew by. For seeing some of our pictures, I have copied over Carol’s images to the main computer, but have not done the same for mine. Then will start the task of viewing each image and keeping or deleting.

Everybody on the trip was a delight to be with and all got along great. The 6 Professional Photographers were very helpful and would give you any help or answers to your questions at anytime. We were on the ship for 24 days with 19 shore landings and 5 zodiac cruises.

Joe and Mary Ann McDonald were two of the photo guides and they have a great trip report on their web page. Go to it and read the report and it will give you a feel of what the trip was like. Here is the link.

Antarctic Trip Report

I have ordered an update for Photoshop and new to us Lighroom program. The software will bring new learning curves to cross. The amount of time that was spent saturated in taking pictures and all the tips and classes on the ship was a huge benefit to make the picture in the end awesome.

Have a GREAT Holiday and lets do some fun Wandering in 2010!
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