POD: Homebuilt foam core fiberglass skin pop-up camper build thread

When I get the shell finished. :p But having the roof go up/down was a pretty good milestone.
LOTS of dust over the last week...

Filler skim'd on, using an epoxy/microballon mixture:


Sanded out:

Raw epoxy seal coat:

Epoxy primer:

And as of this afternoon the top white color has been completed. The sides with be light grey as previously noted (a tad lighter than the primer I think). Planning to overlap that onto the white an inch or so thus the finished wrapped white will be about 2/3 of what is seen right now and be a bit less bold, but it generally shows the idea.


Wow, that paint job looks great! It must feel good to see it start to look like a finished product. I am quite in awe of the whole project.
It does feel good to ideally have the roof exterior fully painted tomorrow, gotta finish up some stuff on the bottom half before that gets painted but I had help here and wanted the experience tackling the top paint with extra hands/eyes.
Some learning points I'm finding but at 5' any of my personal critiques aren't really noticeable. Finished off the sides today. Its snowing we had the door closed (wearing OV respirators) and a heater going, no issues with application but a mistake in terms of smell seeping into the house. It wasn't bad yesterday working with the door mostly open but sealed up it soaked through. Will be venting the garage come tomorrow assuming it warms some!


Thanks. We added a third kid to the family a month ago so the layout isn't perfect anymore but I'll be damned if I'm turning back now. :LOL:
Life got too overwhelming with 3 kiddos and I checked out on the build for a long while plus we were looking all year for a new place and I didn't want to be in the middle of anything. Finally found a new place and moved over the weekend. I have more non-garage storage so I won't be choked in like I was getting (kids bikes/strollers/etc....) plus there is side yard space to move either half the camper to while I finish off the other half. Long story short this winter will see a revival.

But of interest in the meantime: To accomodate moving to a new place I had to complete the jack brackets and got to see see what this looked like on the truck (albiet incomplete :p)


Cool. I was just saying to a member recently, "Whatever happened to pods8?". Now I know. :)
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